Representative sagittal (A, B) and cross sectional (C–F) microCT images of Wdr72+/+ and Wdr72−/− 6-week-old male mandibles. In the continuously growing incisor, Wdr72+/+ enamel mineralization increased at the onset of maturation stage to form an enamel layer of increasing relative intensity (A), which remained radiolucent in the Wdr72−/− mice (B). Red arrow marks transition stage. Similar relative intensity comparisons between the Wdr72+/+ and Wdr72−/− enamel were observed in fully formed molars (E, F). Dotted and dashed lines mark the sites along the continuously growing incisor where coronal planes were taken at secretory stage (C, D) and maturation (E, F) stages of enamel, respectively. Dentin and alveolar bone showed no differences (A–D). Green, red, blue, and yellow shading overlays on the Wdr72+/+ cross-section panels (C & E) represent the regions of interest that were used to quantify the average gray values seen in the bar graph; green, incisor enamel at secretory stage; red, incisor enamel at maturation stage; blue, dentin; yellow, alveolar bone. Quantification of these observations is depicted in the graph to the right (G). Error bars represent ± SD about the mean (n=3). Paired student t-tests between Wdr72+/+ and Wdr72−/− average gray scale values with a threshold for P-values at <0.05. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)