Immunostaining of CLC5 in Wdr72+/+ and Wdr72−/− ameloblasts (A–F) showed that CLC5 is decreased in maturation-stage ameloblasts of Wdr72−/− mice as compared to Wdr72+/+. Serial sections of Wdr72+/+ enamel organs at maturation stage showed WDR72 and CLC5 both immunolocalizing in similar patterns at apical and basal regions of the ameloblasts, as well as the papillary layer (G & H, arrowheads). Further immunostaining of LAMP1 (I, J) and RAB4A (K, L) showed no differences between Wdr72+/+ and Wdr72−/− maturation-stage ameloblasts. am, ameloblast; es, enamel space; pl, papillary layer; tp, Tomes' process. Scale bars, 10 μm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)