Phylogenetic relationships among 1307 putative members of the Lecanoromycetes
based on maximum likelihood analyses of the combined mitSSU, nucLSU, nucSSU,
RPB1 and RPB2 sequences (5+4+3+2-locus dataset) and 10
species used as outgroup (Geoglossomycetes, Lichinomycetes and Leotiomycetes). Numbers in
parentheses after taxon names indicate the numbers of genes in our supermatrix for each
OTU. Numbers (0, 1, 2) after taxon names indicate presence of multiple specimens from the
same taxon. Stars indicate type species. The four-box grids associated with each internode
indicate maximum likelihood bootstrap support based on different datasets. Black boxes
indicate bootstrap support ≥70%; white boxes indicate bootstrap support
<70%; blue boxes indicate cases where internodal support is not applicable
due to at least one of the (usually two) immediately downstream branches being absent (due
to missing taxa) or the node was not recovered by the bootstrap analysis (not present in
the majority-rule consensus tree with all compatible groupings included; 1%
treshold); and red boxes indicate conflicting relationships at bootstrap support
≥70%. If in disagreement, the current classification is provided in square
brackets. Taxon names in bold indicate that a genus is represented by only one OTU. Grey
shadings delimit existing families.Orange shadings highlight new orders. Green shadings
delimit new, or potentially, new families. Yellow shadings indicate outgroup taxa.
Agyriaceae is delimited by a red line because it is a family embedded within another
family (Pertusariaceae). Taxa in red represent obvious phylogenetic misplacements
resulting, most likely, from erroneous sequences (see also Supplemental Table S1), misidentified
specimens, or stochastic error. Porina guentheri (2) and Ostropa
barbara 0 (4) are represented by erronous sequences; Placynthiella
oligotropha 0 (3) is represented by an erroneous RPB1
sequence; Chroodiscus coccineus is represented by an erronous nucLSU
sequence; Haematomma accolens 0 (3) is represented by an erroneous nucSSU
sequence; and H. ochroleucum 0 (2) might represent sterile
Lecanora thysanophora. Punctelia subrudecta 0 (2),
Hypotrachyna aff. 1 (2), and Lecanora conizaeoides 0
(3), are represented by correct sequences, according to the BLAST searches, and therefore
the reason for their unexpected placements is unknown.