Figure 7. Tyrannoneustes lythrodectikos, PETMG:R176 and PETMG:R60. Specific details of skull and mandible.
(A)–(D), PETMG:R176; (E)–(F), PETMG:R60. (A) skull, ventral view: incisive foramen (in between the second premaxillary alveoli) and the premaxillary-maxillary suture partial participation to the first maxillary alveolus (M1); (B) left quadrate ventral view; (C) occipital area, ventral view; (D) skull, ventral view: reception pits, deep notches and palatal-maxillary suture; (E) surangular-angular suture; (F) reception pits in the posterior tooth row of the left mandibular ramus. Refer to the main text for the abbreviations list.