Table 2.
The stimuli for stress-initial words (MAmima)
Negative declarative showing reservation (ND): What they are doing is horrible! dhen dhjakiNUN Akopi MAmima. metaKSI mathiTON karameLItses puLUN. It is not that they merchandize raw MAmima. It is just ‘candies’ they sell to students. |
Wh-question (WhQ): We are looking for raw MAmima. pu PSAhnete JAkopi MAmima? metaKSI mathiTON evREos dhjakiNIte. Where are you looking for raw MAmima? Usually one can find some among students. |
Imperative request (IR): You seem as if you want to ask me for a favor. VRESmu LIji Akopi MAmima. metaKSI mathiTON evREos dhjakiNIte. Find some raw MAmima for me. Usually one can find some among students. |
Yes-no question (YNQ): anaziTAS Akopi MAmima? metaKSI mathiTON evREos dhjakiNIte. Are you looking for raw MAmima? Usually one can find some among students. |
Causative clause (CC): aFU VRIskun Akopi MAmima, metaKSI mathiTON liKIu tin dhjakiNUN. Since it happens to have in their possession raw MAmima, they merchandize it to students. |
Control negative declarative showing reservation (Control ND): What they are doing is unacceptable! dhen dhjakiNUN Akopi MAmima metaKSI mathiTON kjaNIlikon efivon. It is not that they merchandize raw MAmima to students and underage teenagers. |