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. 2014 Aug 5;124(13):e21–e32. doi: 10.1182/blood-2013-12-544197

Table 1.

DEGs selected by biological significance

Gene symbol Gene ontology function Notes Fold change
ANGPT1 Secreted protein Overexpressed in AML, CML, and MDSs 3.1
ANXA3 Cytoplasmatic protein Negative prognostic factor for prostate cancer 10.4
ARHGAP18 Cytoplasmatic protein Involved in cell spreading and motility 3.0
CD9 Membrane protein Involved in platelet activation and aggregation; involved in BM remodeling in PMF 2.2
CEACAM8 Membrane protein Overexpressed in imatinib-resistant CML cells 5.5
CP Enzyme Overexpressed in AML; negative prognostic factor for renal carcinoma 2.6
DEFA1 Secreted protein Overexpressed in imatinib-resistant CML cells; biomarker for diagnosis of CRCA 60.2
FGR Kinase Involved in cell migration 1.9
FHL2 Transcription factor Promotes myeloid proliferation; overexpressed in AML 2.7
IDH1 Cytoplasmatic protein Mutated in MPNs 2.4
IFI27 Membrane protein Involved in defense and immunity 2.4
IFIH1 Cytoplasmatic protein Involved in defense and immunity 2.3
IKZF2 Transcription factor Overexpressed in in Hodgkin lymphoma and ALL 3.6
ITGB3 Membrane protein Involved in platelet activation and aggregation 2.5
LCN2 Secreted protein Expression induced by BCR-ABL protein; negative prognostic factor for breast cancer 7.0
LEPR Membrane protein Overexpressed in AML and PMF; involved in fibrosis 9.7
MAF Transcription factor Negative prognostic factor for MM 8.0
MEF2C Transcription factor Involved in MK differentiation 2.3
MMP9 Extracellular matrix protein Involved in the development of fibrosis 3.8
MYC Transcription factor Involved in MK differentiation; cancer marker 2.8
NFE2 Transcription factor Involved in MK differentiation; overexpressed in PMF 2.0
OLFM4 Secreted protein Negative prognostic factor for colorectal, breast, and lung cancer 3.5
PF4 Secreted protein Involved in platelet activation and aggregation 3.4
PIM1 Transcription factor Overexpressed in PMF 2.6
RHOB Cytoplasmatic protein Involved in cell spreading and motility 3.7
TIMP3 Extracellular matrix protein Involved in the development of fibrosis 4.0
TM4SF1 Membrane protein Involved in cell spreading and motility 4.4
VWF Secreted protein Highly expressed by early MKs; involved in platelet adhesion 4.4
WT1 Transcription factor Negative prognostic factor in AML; associated with high severity score in PMF 2.0
AFF3 Transcription factor Fusion with MLL gene in ALL and with RUNX1 gene, partner of MLL −2.2
ARHGEF7 Cytoplasmatic protein Involved in cell migration, attachment, and cell spreading −2.2
ARID4A Nuclear protein Involved in chromatin remodeling; K/O mice develop myelofibrosis −2.3
BRWD1 Nuclear protein Involved in chromatin remodeling −1.8
CDC42 Cytoplasmatic protein Cdc42-deficient mice developed a fatal myeloproliferative disorder −4.9
CEBPD Transcription factor Myeloid commitment regulator −2.2
CEBPG Transcription factor Myeloid commitment regulator −2.5
CXCR4 Membrane protein Involved in BM homing −2.5
EIF2AK3 Kinase The ablation in tumor cells results in accumulation of ROS −3.0
FOXO1 Transcription factor Involved in OXS response; negative prognostic factor for AML −2.3
HMGB3 Nuclear protein Involved in chromatin remodeling; required for the proper balance between HSC self-renewal and differentiation −2.5
IRF4 Transcription factor Downregulated in CML −2.7
IRF8 Transcription factor Downregulated in CML −6.4
JARID2 Nuclear protein Involved in chromatin remodeling and in AML progression −2.5
KLF3 Transcription factor Downregulated in AML; K/O mice display abnormalities in hematopoiesis −3.6
MAFF Transcription factor Myeloid commitment regulator −2.0
MEF2D Transcription factor Involved in myogenic differentiation; fusion with DAZAP1 gene in ALL −2.7
MLL5 Transcription factor Frequently deleted in human myeloid malignancies −2.7
MXD1 Transcription factor Involved in regulation of cell proliferation; antagonizes MYC gene −3.4
NR4A3 Nuclear protein Involved in chromatin remodeling; hypoallelic mice display MDS/MPNs features −2.4
NUP98 Transcription factor Involved in fusions with different partner genes in patients with hematopoietic malignancies −2.5
PHC3 Nuclear protein Component of polycomb repressive complex −2.1
PURB Nuclear protein Deleted in MDS and AML −2.5
RUNX2 Transcription factor Involved in hematopoietic and osteogenic lineages differentiation −2.1
SF3B1 Nuclear protein Mutated in MDS and in MDS/MPNs −2.0
SMAD7 Transcription factor Involved in fibrosis; downregulated in MDSs −7.2
TCF4 Transcription factor Myeloid commitment regulator −2.4
TLE4 Transcription factor Deleted in AML −2.2
TP53INP1 Nuclear protein Loss of expression in several cancers; inactivation correlates with increased cell migration −2.5

ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; BCR-ABL, breakpoint cluster region gene-Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1; CML, chronic myeloid leukemia; CRCA, colorectal cancer; MDS, myelodysplastic syndromes; MM, multiple myeloma; OXS, oxidative stress; ROS, reactive oxygen species.