Social Behavior |
3-Chamber Social Test |
Test mouse explores partitioned arena with neutral center chamber and side chambers containing stimuli; sociability phase measures time spent in chamber containing caged mouse versus chamber containing empty cage; social novelty phase measures time spent in chamber containing novel mouse versus chamber containing familiar mouse |
Partition Test |
Test mouse explores one half of partitioned arena with novel mouse on the other side of the barrier; time spent near the partition is a measure of social approach |
Habituation-Dishabituation |
Test mouse is repeatedly introduced to stimulus mouse; decreasing time spent in social interaction represents social recognition of stimulus mouse; then novel mouse can be introduced as stimulus mouse and increased time spent in social interaction represents social recognition |
Direct Interaction Tests |
Test mouse freely interacts with stimulus mouse and number, duration, and types of social interactions measured; variations include neutral pairing, i.e. stimulus is ovariectomized female or juvenile male, or agonistic pairing, i.e. stimulus is adult males in novel arena social (social dyadic) or test mouse’s home cage (resident intruder) |
Juvenile Play |
Pairs of juvenile mice allowed to freely interact; number, duration, and types of play behaviors can be measured |
Nest Building |
Test mouse is given pressed cotton material; amount of material shredded and arranged into nest is a measure of nest construction ability |
Communication Behavior |
Pup Ultrasonic Vocalizations |
Test mouse pup is briefly separated from dam and littermates; number, duration, and types of ultrasonic isolation calls recorded |
Adult Ultrasonic Vocalizations |
Test male mouse introduced to reproductive setting, i.e. estrus female or female urine, or agonistic setting, i.e. another male mouse (such as in resident-intruder paradigm); number, duration, and types of ultrasonic calls recorded |
Scent-Marking |
Test male mouse exposed to urine from estrus females; amount and proximity of male urine scent-marks to female urine stimuli is a measure of scent-marking communication behavior |
Repetitive/Restricted Behavior |
Repetitive Grooming |
Test mouse is observed for self-grooming in home cage or novel environments; duration and bouts of grooming are measures of repetitive behavior; skin lesions are measures of self-injurious behavior |
Marble Burying |
Test mouse introduced to cage containing marbles atop bedding; number of marbles buried is a measure of compulsive digging and bedding sifting behavior |
Holeboard Exploration |
Test mouse explores an arena with grid pattern of circular holes in floor allowing for head-dips into the holes; number and pattern of holes explored is a measure of perseverative exploration |
Maze Reversal Learning |
Test mouse must learn new location of hidden platform or escape hole in spatial mazes (see below); ability to learn new location is a measure of cognitive flexibility |
Frequent Comorbidities |
Elevated Zero or Plus Mazes |
Test mouse explores annular or cross-shaped arena with closed and open arms; time spent in open arms is a measure of anxiety-like behavior |