Fig. 6.
Illustration of the expression patterns for AQP1, AQP4 (a) and NaK pump, NKCC1 (b) in iris and NPCBE epithelia in normal (WT) and megalin-deficient (KO) mouse eyes. The extent of AQP1 expression is clearly reduced in the megalin-deficient mouse eyes. More specifically, the expression in the megalin-deficient mice is limited to the posterior iris epithelium and the NPCBE epithelium just adjacent to the iridocorneal angel (a). In contrast, the expression of AQP4, NaK pump, and NKCC1 are extended from an exclusive NPCBE expression, to also include the iridocorneal angle as well as the peripheral posterior iris epithelium (a b). C cornea, i iris, CB ciliary body