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. 2014 Sep 5;6(5):1759091414548916. doi: 10.1177/1759091414548916

Table 1.

Genes Implicated in Schwann Cell Development and Differentiation in MAL-Overexpressing and Wild-type Schwann Cell Cultures.

Common name Entrez ID tgMAL:wt p
A Transcription factor
Early Growth Response 1 (Krox24) Egr1 0.933 n.s.
Early Growth Response 2 (Krox20) Egr2 0.894 n.s.
Early Growth Response 3 Egr3 1.045 n.s.
Early Growth Response 3 Egr3 0.915 n.s.
Inhibitor of DNA binding 2 Id2 0.888 n.s.
Inhibitor of DNA binding 2 Id2 0.981 n.s.
Inhibitor of DNA binding 4 Id4 1.135 n.s.
Jun Oncogen (cJun) Jun 0.928 n.s.
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 Nab1 0.961 n.s.
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 Nab1 1.026 n.s.
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 Nab1 1.006 n.s.
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 Nab1 1.004 n.s.
Nab2, EGR-1-binding protein 2 Nab2 1.067 n.s.
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) Nfatc3 0.971 n.s.
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) Nfatc3 1.072 n.s.
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) Nfatc3 1.052 n.s.
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) Nfatc3 0.976 n.s.
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 4 (Nfat3) Nfatc4 1.002 n.s.
Paired Box Gene 3 Pax3 not detected
POU Domain, class 3, Transcription factor 1 (Oct6, SCIP) Pou3f1 0.873 n.s.
SRY-box Containing Gene 10 Sox10 0.885 0.0103
SRY-box Containing Gene 2 Sox2 0.848 0.0039
SRY-box Containing Gene 2 Sox2 1.000 n.s.
Yin Yang 1 Yy1 not detected
B Receptor
A Disintegrin And Metallopeptidase Domain 22 Adam22 1.065 n.s.
v-Erb-b2 Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 2 Erbb2 0.937 n.s.
v-Erb-b2 Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 3 Erbb3 0.976 n.s.
G protein-coupled receptor 126 Gpr126 0.982 n.s.
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (p75NTR) Ngfr 0.896 0.0016
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (p75NTR) Ngfr 0.886 0.0053
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (p75NTR) Ngfr 0.930 n.s.
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase, Receptor, Type 2 (TrkB) Ntrk2 1.069 n.s.
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase, Receptor, Type 3 (TrkC) Ntrk3 1.008 n.s.
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase, Receptor, Type 3 (TrkC) Ntrk3 1.064 n.s.
C Myelin membrane
2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase (CNPase) Cnp 0.882 0.0037
2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase (CNPase) Cnp 0.869 0.0140
Gap Junction Protein α1 (Connexin 43) Gja1 0.986 n.s.
Gap Junction Protein α4 (Connexin 37) Gja4 1.129 n.s.
Gap Junction Protein β1 (Connexin 32) Gjb1 not detected
Gap Junction Protein β2 (Connexin 26) Gjb2 1.024 n.s.
Gap Junction Protein β2 (Connexin 26) Gjb2 1.127 n.s.
Gap Junction Protein γ3 (Connexin 29) Gjc3 not on the array
Lipin 1 Lpin1 1.031 n.s.
Lipin 1 Lpin1 1.001 n.s.
Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein Mag 0.930 n.s.
Myelin and Lymphocyte Mal 21.533 <0.0001
Myelin and Lymphocyte Mal 12.687 <0.0001
Myelin and Lymphocyte Mal 1.168 <0.0001
Myelin Basic Protein Mbp 0.960 n.s.
Myelin Basic Protein Mbp 0.913 n.s.
Myelin Basic Protein Mbp 0.974 n.s.
Myelin Basic Protein Mbp 0.992 n.s.
Myelin Basic Protein Mbp 0.974 n.s.
Myelin Protein Zero (P0) Mpz 0.961 n.s.
Myelin Protein Zero (P0) Mpz 0.669 0.0003
Neurofascin Nfasc 1.025 n.s.
Plasmolipin Pllp 0.801 0.0023
Peripheral Myelin Protein 2 Pmp2 1.120 n.s.
Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 Pmp22 1.147 n.s.
Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 Pmp22 1.169 n.s.
Periaxin Prx 0.987 n.s.
Periaxin Prx 1.008 n.s.
D Cytoplasma
Growth Associated Protein 43 Gap43 1.033 n.s.
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Gfap 0.870 n.s.
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Gfap 0.912 n.s.
S100 β S100b 0.983 n.s.
E Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) /Polarization
Agrin Agrn 0.991 n.s.
Cell Division cycle 42 Cdc42 0.994 n.s.
Cadherin2 (Ncad) Cdh2 0.996 n.s.
Collagen typeII, α1 Col2a1 1.454 0.0014
Collagen typeII, α1 Col2a1 1.419 0.0027
Collagen typeII, α1 Col2a1 1.330 0.0003
Collagen typeIV, α1 Col4a1 1.116 n.s.
Collagen typeIV, α5 Col4a5 1.154 0.0070
Collagen typeV, α1 Col5a1 0.999 n.s.
Collagen typeV, α2 Col5a2 1.075 n.s.
Collagen typeV, α2 Col5a2 0.917 n.s.
Collagen typeV, α2 Col5a2 1.116 n.s.
Collagen typeV, α3 Col5a3 1.005 n.s.
Collagen typeVI, α1 Col6a1 1.093 n.s.
Collagen typeVI, α1 Col6a1 1.015 n.s.
Collagen typeVI, α1 Col6a1 1.100 n.s.
Collagen typeVI, α2 Col6a2 1.102 n.s.
Collagen typeVI, α2 Col6a2 1.037 n.s.
Collagen typeVI, α3 Col6a3 1.014 n.s.
Collagen typeVI, α3 Col6a3 1.082 n.s.
Dystroglycan Dag1 0.838 0.0001
Dystroglycan Dag1 0.891 0.0113
Disks Large Homolog 1 Dlg1 1.005 n.s.
Dedicator of Cytokinesis Protein 7 Dock7 1.000 n.s.
Dedicator of Cytokinesis Protein 7 Dock7 0.963 n.s.
Dystrophin-related Protein 2 Drp2 1.044 n.s.
Dystrobrevin α Dtna 0.799 <0.0001
Dystrobrevin α Dtna 0.843 0.0100
Dystrobrevin α Dtna 0.885 0.0186
Dystrobrevin α Dtna 0.851 0.0003
Dystrobrevin α Dtna 0.953 n.s.
Dystrobrevin β Dtnb 1.014 n.s.
Gliomedin Gldn 0.936 n.s.
Histone Deacetylase Hdac1 not on the array
Histone Deacetylase Hdac2 1.031 n.s.
Histone Deacetylase Hdac2 0.981 n.s.
Perlecan (Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) Hspg2 1.043 n.s.
Perlecan (Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) Hspg2 1.010 n.s.
Perlecan (Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) Hspg2 0.978 n.s.
Integrin α1 Itga1 1.073 n.s.
Integrin α1 Itga1 1.107 n.s.
Integrin α6 Itga6 0.977 n.s.
Integrin α6 Itga6 0.964 n.s.
Integrin α7 Itga7 0.861 n.s.
Integrin β1 Itgb1 1.009 n.s.
Integrin β1 Itgb1 1.077 n.s.
Integrin β4 Itgb4 0.899 n.s.
Integrin β4 Itgb4 0.894 n.s.
Laminin α1 Lama1 1.029 n.s.
Laminin α2 Lama2 0.994 n.s.
Laminin α4 Lama4 1.001 n.s.
Laminin α5 Lama5 1.068 n.s.
Laminin β1 Lamb1-1 0.937 n.s.
Laminin β2 Lamb2 1.020 n.s.
Laminin γ1 Lamc1 1.060 n.s.
Laminin γ1 Lamc1 1.038 n.s.
Laminin γ2 Lamc2 1.045 n.s.
Laminin γ2 Lamc2 1.000 n.s.
Laminin γ2 Lamc2 0.983 n.s.
Membrane Protein, Palmitoylated 5 (Pals1) Mpp5 0.935 n.s.
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (CD56) Ncam1 1.059 n.s.
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (CD56) Ncam1 1.081 n.s.
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (CD56) Ncam1 1.102 n.s.
Nidogen 1 (Entactin) Nid1 0.907 n.s.
Nidogen 1 (Entactin) Nid1 1.003 n.s.
Nidogen 2 Nid2 0.934 n.s.
Partitioning Defective 3 Homolog (Par3) Pard3 1.002 n.s.
Partitioning Defective 3 Homolog (Par3) Pard3 0.970 n.s.
Partitioning Defective 3 Homolog (Par3) Pard3 1.071 n.s.
Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Pten 0.991 n.s.
Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Pten 0.996 n.s.
Ras-Related C3 Botulinum Substrate 1 Rac1 1.045 n.s.
Ras Homolog Family Member A Rhoa not detected
Ras Homolog Family Member B Rhob 0.975 n.s.
Sarcoglycan α Sgca not detected
Sarcoglycan δ Sgcd 0.989 n.s.
Sarcoglycan ɛ Sgce not detected
Sarcoglycan γ Sgcg not detected
Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes 3 (Bamacan) Smc3 1.010 n.s.
Syntrophin acidic 1 Snta1 0.982 n.s.
Syntrophin acidic 1 Snta1 1.011 n.s.
Syntrophin basic 1 Sntb1 0.990 n.s.
Syntrophin basic 2 Sntb2 0.907 n.s.
Syntrophin basic 2 Sntb2 0.923 n.s.
Syntrophin basic 2 Sntb2 1.029 n.s.
Syntrophin γ1 Sntg1 not detected
Syntrophin γ2 Sntg2 not detected
Utrophin Utrn not detected
F Varia
Leucine-Rich Repeat LGI family, Member 4 Lgi4 0.901 n.s.
Leucine-Rich Repeat LGI family, Member 4 Lgi4 0.930 n.s.

Note. A three-way analysis of variance of microarray data revealed that the mRNA expression of most of the investigated genes implicated in Schwann cell development, differentiation, and myelination were unaltered in MAL-overexpressing cells. Based on a probe-specific analysis, several probes per coding DNA sequence were analyzed separately. The expression was normalized to the global median, and data indicate the ratio of expression in MAL-overexpressing to wild-type Schwann cells. Unadjusted p ≤ 0.01 was accounted as significant (bold); n.s. = not significant.