Table 1.
Genes Implicated in Schwann Cell Development and Differentiation in MAL-Overexpressing and Wild-type Schwann Cell Cultures.
Common name | Entrez ID | tgMAL:wt | p |
A Transcription factor | |||
Early Growth Response 1 (Krox24) | Egr1 | 0.933 | n.s. |
Early Growth Response 2 (Krox20) | Egr2 | 0.894 | n.s. |
Early Growth Response 3 | Egr3 | 1.045 | n.s. |
Early Growth Response 3 | Egr3 | 0.915 | n.s. |
Inhibitor of DNA binding 2 | Id2 | 0.888 | n.s. |
Inhibitor of DNA binding 2 | Id2 | 0.981 | n.s. |
Inhibitor of DNA binding 4 | Id4 | 1.135 | n.s. |
Jun Oncogen (cJun) | Jun | 0.928 | n.s. |
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 | Nab1 | 0.961 | n.s. |
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 | Nab1 | 1.026 | n.s. |
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 | Nab1 | 1.006 | n.s. |
Nab1, EGR-1-binding protein 1 | Nab1 | 1.004 | n.s. |
Nab2, EGR-1-binding protein 2 | Nab2 | 1.067 | n.s. |
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) | Nfatc3 | 0.971 | n.s. |
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) | Nfatc3 | 1.072 | n.s. |
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) | Nfatc3 | 1.052 | n.s. |
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 3 (Nfat4) | Nfatc3 | 0.976 | n.s. |
Nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 4 (Nfat3) | Nfatc4 | 1.002 | n.s. |
Paired Box Gene 3 | Pax3 | not detected | |
POU Domain, class 3, Transcription factor 1 (Oct6, SCIP) | Pou3f1 | 0.873 | n.s. |
SRY-box Containing Gene 10 | Sox10 | 0.885 | 0.0103 |
SRY-box Containing Gene 2 | Sox2 | 0.848 | 0.0039 |
SRY-box Containing Gene 2 | Sox2 | 1.000 | n.s. |
Yin Yang 1 | Yy1 | not detected | |
B Receptor | |||
A Disintegrin And Metallopeptidase Domain 22 | Adam22 | 1.065 | n.s. |
v-Erb-b2 Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 2 | Erbb2 | 0.937 | n.s. |
v-Erb-b2 Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 3 | Erbb3 | 0.976 | n.s. |
G protein-coupled receptor 126 | Gpr126 | 0.982 | n.s. |
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (p75NTR) | Ngfr | 0.896 | 0.0016 |
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (p75NTR) | Ngfr | 0.886 | 0.0053 |
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (p75NTR) | Ngfr | 0.930 | n.s. |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase, Receptor, Type 2 (TrkB) | Ntrk2 | 1.069 | n.s. |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase, Receptor, Type 3 (TrkC) | Ntrk3 | 1.008 | n.s. |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase, Receptor, Type 3 (TrkC) | Ntrk3 | 1.064 | n.s. |
C Myelin membrane | |||
2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase (CNPase) | Cnp | 0.882 | 0.0037 |
2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase (CNPase) | Cnp | 0.869 | 0.0140 |
Gap Junction Protein α1 (Connexin 43) | Gja1 | 0.986 | n.s. |
Gap Junction Protein α4 (Connexin 37) | Gja4 | 1.129 | n.s. |
Gap Junction Protein β1 (Connexin 32) | Gjb1 | not detected | |
Gap Junction Protein β2 (Connexin 26) | Gjb2 | 1.024 | n.s. |
Gap Junction Protein β2 (Connexin 26) | Gjb2 | 1.127 | n.s. |
Gap Junction Protein γ3 (Connexin 29) | Gjc3 | not on the array | |
Lipin 1 | Lpin1 | 1.031 | n.s. |
Lipin 1 | Lpin1 | 1.001 | n.s. |
Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein | Mag | 0.930 | n.s. |
Myelin and Lymphocyte | Mal | 21.533 | <0.0001 |
Myelin and Lymphocyte | Mal | 12.687 | <0.0001 |
Myelin and Lymphocyte | Mal | 1.168 | <0.0001 |
Myelin Basic Protein | Mbp | 0.960 | n.s. |
Myelin Basic Protein | Mbp | 0.913 | n.s. |
Myelin Basic Protein | Mbp | 0.974 | n.s. |
Myelin Basic Protein | Mbp | 0.992 | n.s. |
Myelin Basic Protein | Mbp | 0.974 | n.s. |
Myelin Protein Zero (P0) | Mpz | 0.961 | n.s. |
Myelin Protein Zero (P0) | Mpz | 0.669 | 0.0003 |
Neurofascin | Nfasc | 1.025 | n.s. |
Plasmolipin | Pllp | 0.801 | 0.0023 |
Peripheral Myelin Protein 2 | Pmp2 | 1.120 | n.s. |
Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 | Pmp22 | 1.147 | n.s. |
Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 | Pmp22 | 1.169 | n.s. |
Periaxin | Prx | 0.987 | n.s. |
Periaxin | Prx | 1.008 | n.s. |
D Cytoplasma | |||
Growth Associated Protein 43 | Gap43 | 1.033 | n.s. |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein | Gfap | 0.870 | n.s. |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein | Gfap | 0.912 | n.s. |
S100 β | S100b | 0.983 | n.s. |
E Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) /Polarization | |||
Agrin | Agrn | 0.991 | n.s. |
Cell Division cycle 42 | Cdc42 | 0.994 | n.s. |
Cadherin2 (Ncad) | Cdh2 | 0.996 | n.s. |
Collagen typeII, α1 | Col2a1 | 1.454 | 0.0014 |
Collagen typeII, α1 | Col2a1 | 1.419 | 0.0027 |
Collagen typeII, α1 | Col2a1 | 1.330 | 0.0003 |
Collagen typeIV, α1 | Col4a1 | 1.116 | n.s. |
Collagen typeIV, α5 | Col4a5 | 1.154 | 0.0070 |
Collagen typeV, α1 | Col5a1 | 0.999 | n.s. |
Collagen typeV, α2 | Col5a2 | 1.075 | n.s. |
Collagen typeV, α2 | Col5a2 | 0.917 | n.s. |
Collagen typeV, α2 | Col5a2 | 1.116 | n.s. |
Collagen typeV, α3 | Col5a3 | 1.005 | n.s. |
Collagen typeVI, α1 | Col6a1 | 1.093 | n.s. |
Collagen typeVI, α1 | Col6a1 | 1.015 | n.s. |
Collagen typeVI, α1 | Col6a1 | 1.100 | n.s. |
Collagen typeVI, α2 | Col6a2 | 1.102 | n.s. |
Collagen typeVI, α2 | Col6a2 | 1.037 | n.s. |
Collagen typeVI, α3 | Col6a3 | 1.014 | n.s. |
Collagen typeVI, α3 | Col6a3 | 1.082 | n.s. |
Dystroglycan | Dag1 | 0.838 | 0.0001 |
Dystroglycan | Dag1 | 0.891 | 0.0113 |
Disks Large Homolog 1 | Dlg1 | 1.005 | n.s. |
Dedicator of Cytokinesis Protein 7 | Dock7 | 1.000 | n.s. |
Dedicator of Cytokinesis Protein 7 | Dock7 | 0.963 | n.s. |
Dystrophin-related Protein 2 | Drp2 | 1.044 | n.s. |
Dystrobrevin α | Dtna | 0.799 | <0.0001 |
Dystrobrevin α | Dtna | 0.843 | 0.0100 |
Dystrobrevin α | Dtna | 0.885 | 0.0186 |
Dystrobrevin α | Dtna | 0.851 | 0.0003 |
Dystrobrevin α | Dtna | 0.953 | n.s. |
Dystrobrevin β | Dtnb | 1.014 | n.s. |
Gliomedin | Gldn | 0.936 | n.s. |
Histone Deacetylase | Hdac1 | not on the array | |
Histone Deacetylase | Hdac2 | 1.031 | n.s. |
Histone Deacetylase | Hdac2 | 0.981 | n.s. |
Perlecan (Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) | Hspg2 | 1.043 | n.s. |
Perlecan (Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) | Hspg2 | 1.010 | n.s. |
Perlecan (Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) | Hspg2 | 0.978 | n.s. |
Integrin α1 | Itga1 | 1.073 | n.s. |
Integrin α1 | Itga1 | 1.107 | n.s. |
Integrin α6 | Itga6 | 0.977 | n.s. |
Integrin α6 | Itga6 | 0.964 | n.s. |
Integrin α7 | Itga7 | 0.861 | n.s. |
Integrin β1 | Itgb1 | 1.009 | n.s. |
Integrin β1 | Itgb1 | 1.077 | n.s. |
Integrin β4 | Itgb4 | 0.899 | n.s. |
Integrin β4 | Itgb4 | 0.894 | n.s. |
Laminin α1 | Lama1 | 1.029 | n.s. |
Laminin α2 | Lama2 | 0.994 | n.s. |
Laminin α4 | Lama4 | 1.001 | n.s. |
Laminin α5 | Lama5 | 1.068 | n.s. |
Laminin β1 | Lamb1-1 | 0.937 | n.s. |
Laminin β2 | Lamb2 | 1.020 | n.s. |
Laminin γ1 | Lamc1 | 1.060 | n.s. |
Laminin γ1 | Lamc1 | 1.038 | n.s. |
Laminin γ2 | Lamc2 | 1.045 | n.s. |
Laminin γ2 | Lamc2 | 1.000 | n.s. |
Laminin γ2 | Lamc2 | 0.983 | n.s. |
Membrane Protein, Palmitoylated 5 (Pals1) | Mpp5 | 0.935 | n.s. |
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (CD56) | Ncam1 | 1.059 | n.s. |
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (CD56) | Ncam1 | 1.081 | n.s. |
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (CD56) | Ncam1 | 1.102 | n.s. |
Nidogen 1 (Entactin) | Nid1 | 0.907 | n.s. |
Nidogen 1 (Entactin) | Nid1 | 1.003 | n.s. |
Nidogen 2 | Nid2 | 0.934 | n.s. |
Partitioning Defective 3 Homolog (Par3) | Pard3 | 1.002 | n.s. |
Partitioning Defective 3 Homolog (Par3) | Pard3 | 0.970 | n.s. |
Partitioning Defective 3 Homolog (Par3) | Pard3 | 1.071 | n.s. |
Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog | Pten | 0.991 | n.s. |
Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog | Pten | 0.996 | n.s. |
Ras-Related C3 Botulinum Substrate 1 | Rac1 | 1.045 | n.s. |
Ras Homolog Family Member A | Rhoa | not detected | |
Ras Homolog Family Member B | Rhob | 0.975 | n.s. |
Sarcoglycan α | Sgca | not detected | |
Sarcoglycan δ | Sgcd | 0.989 | n.s. |
Sarcoglycan ɛ | Sgce | not detected | |
Sarcoglycan γ | Sgcg | not detected | |
Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes 3 (Bamacan) | Smc3 | 1.010 | n.s. |
Syntrophin acidic 1 | Snta1 | 0.982 | n.s. |
Syntrophin acidic 1 | Snta1 | 1.011 | n.s. |
Syntrophin basic 1 | Sntb1 | 0.990 | n.s. |
Syntrophin basic 2 | Sntb2 | 0.907 | n.s. |
Syntrophin basic 2 | Sntb2 | 0.923 | n.s. |
Syntrophin basic 2 | Sntb2 | 1.029 | n.s. |
Syntrophin γ1 | Sntg1 | not detected | |
Syntrophin γ2 | Sntg2 | not detected | |
Utrophin | Utrn | not detected | |
F Varia | |||
Leucine-Rich Repeat LGI family, Member 4 | Lgi4 | 0.901 | n.s. |
Leucine-Rich Repeat LGI family, Member 4 | Lgi4 | 0.930 | n.s. |
Note. A three-way analysis of variance of microarray data revealed that the mRNA expression of most of the investigated genes implicated in Schwann cell development, differentiation, and myelination were unaltered in MAL-overexpressing cells. Based on a probe-specific analysis, several probes per coding DNA sequence were analyzed separately. The expression was normalized to the global median, and data indicate the ratio of expression in MAL-overexpressing to wild-type Schwann cells. Unadjusted p ≤ 0.01 was accounted as significant (bold); n.s. = not significant.