Absent carbonic anhydrase 2 (gene: Car2; protein: CA-II) expression. A: absent LacZ staining is present in the cortex (C), outer medulla (OM), and inner medulla (IM) of Car2+/+ mice. LacZ staining (blue) is present in the cortex, outer medulla, and inner medulla of Car2+/− mice but is more pronounced in Car2−/− mice, consistent with expression driven by the LacZ promoter. Magnification: ×4. B: CA-II immunostaining demonstrating similar cell-specific CA-II reactivity (brown) in isolated cells of the collecting ducts (arrows) and lighter, more diffuse proximal tubule staining (arrowheads) in Car2+/+ and Car2+/− mice. No CA-II staining was seen in the cortex, outer medulla, or inner medulla of Car2−/− mice. Magnification: ×40. C: compared with robust CA-II staining (red) in the kidney (right), negligible CA-II staining (red) was present in the Car2+/+ bladder (left) urothelium, with some faint, nonspecific, scattered staining (arrow) on the luminal (*) surface and a rare cell in the smooth muscle layer (arrowhead). No staining was seen in the Car2−/− bladder (right). Bladder magnification: ×40; kidney magnification: ×4. 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; blue) was used to stain nuclei in the bladder images.