FIG 2.
Hemolytic activity of recPfHly III. (A) Time and temperature dependence of hemolysis determined by absorbance at 550 nm with 2 hemolytic units of recPfHly III and washed human erythrocytes. (B) Increasing size of the osmotic protectant PEG at 30 mM and 2 hemolytic units of recPfHly III at 37°C for 60 min. The zero control used hemolysin without protectants. Increasing pore size was determined with glucose (0.7 nm), PEG 600 (1.5 nm), PEG 1500 (2.4 nm), PEG 2000 (2.8 nm), PEG 3350 (3.2 nm), PEG 4600 (4.1 nm), PEG 6000 (5.6 nm), and PEG 8000 (6.4 nm). (C) Partial drug inhibition by glibenclamide. Drugs at 100 μM and recPfHly III (0. 5 HU) were incubated with 1% human erythrocytes at 37°C for 60 min. *, P value < 0.05 (Student's t test). Each value is the mean ± standard deviation of three replicates from one experiment and is representative of two independent experiments.