LigD POL activity is required for NHEJ-mediated repair of chromosomal DSBs. (A and B) The wild-type (wt), ΔligD (MGM 140), or ligD-(D136A-D138A) (MGM 801) strain was subjected to IR in late stationary phase, duplicate serial 10-fold dilutions were cultured (A), and fraction survival was calculated and plotted in log scale (B). Statistical significance between strains is indicated by a vertical line, with “*” indicating P < 0.05. (C) Fraction survival of the ligD-(ΔPOL) strain (MGM 802) at 600 and 1,200 Gy IR was plotted alongside that of the wild-type, ligD-(D136A-D138A), and ΔligD strains. (D) Relative frequencies of homologous recombination (HR) and single-stranded annealing (SSA) in the chromosomal I-SceI assay for the indicated strains.