Role of the PE and POL domains in NHEJ. (A) Wild-type (wt), ligD-(POL only) (MGM 812), ligD-(ΔLIG) (MGM 805), and ΔligD (MGM 140) strains were treated with IR in late stationary phase, and fraction survival for the strains is plotted. Statistical significance between strains is indicated by a vertical line, with “*” indicating P < 0.05. (B) Fidelity and efficiency of plasmid NHEJ for blunt and 5′ ends in the wt, ΔligD, ligD-(POL only), and ligD-(ΔLIG) strains. (C) Strains carrying inactivating mutations in the PE domain, ligD-(E310A) (MGM 806) and ligD-(H336A) (MGM 807), were subjected to ionizing radiation at 600 Gy and 1,200 Gy. Fraction survival was plotted alongside that of the wild-type and ΔligD controls.