FIG 5.
M. tuberculosis LigC can support LigD-independent NHEJ. (A and C) Late-stationary-phase IR sensitivities of the ligD-(K484A) ΔligC1-ligC2 ΔligB strain complemented with vector (no LigC) (MGM 832h), M. smegmatis LigC1-HA (MGM 865h), M. smegmatis LigC2-HA (MGM 863h), M. smegmatis MOP-LigC2-HA (MGM 864h), or M. tuberculosis LigC-HA (MGM 866h) strains. Statistical significance between strains is indicated by a vertical line, with “*” indicating P < 0.05. (B) Relative expression of the indicated HA-tagged LigC proteins was assessed using anti-HA antibodies and anti-CarD antibody as loading control. (D) Plasmid assay of backup NHEJ in the same strains used in panels A to C, with LigC1 set to 100%.