RA induces UTX bridging of RARα and ASH2L. (A and B) Endogenous interaction between RARα, UTX, and ASH2L. Extracts from shRandom, shUTX, and shASH2L U937 cells that were treated with RA (+RA) (A) or untreated (−RA) (B) were immunoprecipitated with the RARα antibody (IP: RARα) or with IgG antibody (IP: CTRL). Western blots with input lysate or immunoprecipitates were analyzed using antisera against UTX, ASH2L, or RARα. (C) Downregulation of ASH2L did not impair UTX recruitment to RAR target genes. shRandom or shASH2L U937 cells that were untreated (−RA) or treated with RA (+RA) were subjected to ChIP analysis. IgG was included as a control. Error bars indicate standard deviations obtained from three independent experiments.