Analysis of peripheral blood and BM hematopoietic compartments of mice cotransplanted with a 1:1 mix of GFP−
Sec23bgt/gt FLC and UBC-GFPTg+
Sec23b+/+ FLC (experimental arm) and control mice cotransplanted with a 1:1 mix of GFP− and GFPTg+
Sec23b+/+ FLC. (A to C) By peripheral blood FACS, Mac1+ Gr1+ neutrophils (A), B220+ B lymphocytes (B), and CD3+ T lymphocytes (C) were found to be derived from both Sec23bgt/gt and WT FLC. The Sec23bgt/gt peripheral blood cells persisted at a stable level throughout the 18-week follow-up period, suggesting no competitive advantage to WT FLC over Sec23bgt/gt FLC at reconstituting hematopoiesis. (D and E) In the BM, the contributions of GFP−
Sec23bgt/gt FLC to the long-term hematopoietic stem cells (D; ckit+ Sca1+ CD48− CD150− Lin−) and to myeloid cells (E; Mac1+ GR1+) in the experimental arm were equivalent to the contributions of the GFP− WT cells in the control arm. (F) Similarly, the contribution of GFP(-) Sec23bgt/gt T lymphocytes in the thymus was equivalent to that of GFP− WT cells in the control arm. *, there was a trend for some subsets of GFP−
Sec23bgt/gt T lymphocytes to be underrepresented; however, this did not reach statistical significance after correction for multiple observations, based on the Holm-Sidak method or the Bonferroni method. ISP, immature single-positive cells; DP, CD4+ CD8+ double-positive T lymphocytes; NS, not significant. (G) In contrast, GFP−
Sec23bgt/gt CD19+ CD220+ BM B lymphocytes were underrepresented. Each point represents one mouse. Lines represent mean values for each group, and error bars indicate standard deviations.