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. 2014 Oct;52(10):3614–3623. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01653-14

FIG 2.


Phylogenetic analyses of N, U, P, V, M, F, HN, and L amino acid sequences of AnaPV. The trees were constructed by the maximum likelihood method with bootstrap values calculated from 1,000 trees and rooted on the midpoint. Scale bars, branch lengths that correspond to 0.05 to 0.5 substitutions per site, as indicated. Five isolates from AnaPV were named 1201RN001, 1110RN043, 1110RN047, 1201RN003, and 1203RN009 (shown in bold type). DmoPV, dolphin morbillivirus (GenBank accession number NC_005283.1); PPRV, peste-des-petits ruminants virus (NC_006383); MeV, measles virus (NC_001498); CDV, canine distemper virus (NC_001921); MosPV, Mossman virus (NC_005339); ThkPV2, Tuhoko virus 2 (GU128081); JPV, J virus (NC_007454); BeiPV, Beilong virus (NC_007803); NiV, Nipah virus (NC_002728); HeV, Hendra virus (NC_001906); FDLV, Fer-de-Lance virus (NC_005084); SeV, Sendai virus (NC_001552); HPIV-1, human parainfluenza virus 1 (NC_003461); CedPV, Cedar virus (JQ001776.1); SaPV, Salem virus (JQ697837.1); PDV, phocine distemper virus (Y09630.1); FmoPV, feline morbillivirus (JQ411015.1); RPV, rinderpest virus (NC_006296.2); TUPV, tupaia paramyxovirus (NC_002199.1); TlmPV, Tailam virus (JN689227); MENV, Menangle virus (NC_007620.1); HPIV-2, human parainfluenza virus 2 (NC_003443.1); PoRV, porcine rubulavirus (NC_009640.1); NDV, Newcastle disease virus (NC_002617.1); HPIV-4a, human parainfluenza virus 4a (AB543336.1); HPIV-4b, human parainfluenza virus 4b (JQ241176.1); MuV, mumps virus (NC_002200.1); HPIV-3, human parainfluenza virus 3 (NC_001796.2); BPIV-3, bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (NC_002161.1); MPRV, Mapuera virus (NC_009489.1); PIV-5, parainfluenza virus 5 (NC_006430.1); SV-41, simian virus 41 (NC_006428.1); TIOV, Tioman virus (NC_004074.1); GooPV, goose paramyxovirus SF02 (NC_005036.1); APMV-9, avian paramyxovirus 9 strain duck/New York/22/1978 (EU910942.1); APMV-8, avian paramyxovirus 8 strain pintail/Wakuya/20/78 (FJ215864.1); APMV-7, avian paramyxovirus 7 strain APMV-7/dove/Tennessee/4/75 (FJ231524); APMV-6, avian paramyxovirus 6 (NC_003043.1); APMV-5, avian paramyxovirus 5 strain budgerigar/Kunitachi/74 (GU206351); APMV-4, avian paramyxovirus 4 isolate APMV-4/Egyptian goose/South Africa/N1468/2010 (JX133079.1); APMV-3, avian paramyxovirus 3 strain APMV3/PKT/Netherland/449/75 (EU403085); APMV-2, avian paramyxovirus 2 isolate NK (HQ896024); NARV, Nariva virus (NC_017937.1); BatPV, bat paramyxovirus Eid_hel/GH-M74a/GHA/2009 (AFH96006.1); SpiPV, swine parainfluenza 3 (EU439429.2); AsaPV, Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus strain ASPV-Ro (EF646380.1); Dasy-GER00, snake paramyxovirus (ACT63842.1); Biti-CA98, reptilian paramyxovirus (AAS45836.1); Xeno-USA99, lizard paramyxovirus (ACT63860.1); Gono-GER85, reptilian paramyxovirus (AAS45835.1); PanGut-GER09, snake paramyxovirus (ADT91317.1); HoBuc-HUN09, snake paramyxovirus (AFQ32570.1); Igu-GER00, lizard paramyxovirus (ACT63854.1); Orth-GER05, snake paramyxovirus (ACT63852.1).