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. 2014 Sep;82(9):3580–3587. doi: 10.1128/IAI.01911-14


Strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain or plasmid Relevant characteristic(s)a Reference(s) or source
    E. faecium
        TX82 Endocarditis isolate; Vanr Ampr 7
        TX6051 TX82 Δacm::cat; acm allelic replacement mutant with an incidental ccpA premature stop codon 7; this study
        TX6086 TX82 Δacm; nonpolar markerless acm deletion mutant This study
        TX6130 TX6051::ccpA nucleotide mutation corrected This study
        TX6127 TX82 ΔccpA; ccpA deletion mutant This study
        TX6140 TX6127 complemented with ccpA (in situ in the chromosome) This study
        TX6145 TX6127 complemented with 300 bp of the ccpA gene This study
    E. coli
        DH5α E. coli cloning host Invitrogen
        EC1000 E. coli host strain, provides RepA 45
    E. faecalis CK111 Conjugative donor for genetic manipulations 18
    pHOU1 Plasmid for mutagenesis; Genr 19
    TX6143 Plasmid for ccpA gene deletion; 820 bp upstream and 912 bp downstream of the ccpA gene cloned into pHOU1 This study
    TX6144 Plasmid for initial 300-bp complementation of the ccpA gene; 452 bp upstream of the start codon of ccpA along with the initial 300 bp of ccpA and 507 bp downstream of the stop codon of the ccpA gene cloned into pHOU1 This study
    TX6146 Plasmid for correcting the ccpA gene mutation of TX6051; fragment containing 863 bp upstream and 572 bp downstream of the ccpA stop codon cloned into pHOU1 This study
    TX6147 Plasmid for acm gene deletion; flanking regions of the acm gene cloned into pHOU1 This study
    TX6148 Plasmid for second-step complementation (restoration) of the ccpA gene; fragment containing bp 21–1020 of the ccpA gene along with 507 bp of downstream sequence cloned into pHOU1 This study

Ampr, ampicillin resistance; Genr, gentamicin resistance; Vanr, vancomycin resistance.