Figure 3.
(a), (g) 3 T in vivo endorectal T2-w prostate MR images for two different patient studies (in each row), with manually placed bounding-boxes (in yellow) which serves as model initialization for MANTRA; (b), (h) resulting prostate boundary segmentations via MANTRA (in yellow). The WMHS corresponding to the MRI sections in (a), (g) with CaP extent outlined in blue by a pathologist are shown in (c) and (i), respectively. The result of registration of ((c), (i)) to ((b), (h)) via COLLINARUS are sh own in (d) and (j) respectively. Note the warped appearance of the WMHS in (d) and (j), which is now in spatial correspondence with in (b) and (h) respectively. (e) and (k) show the mapping of the CaP extent (in green) from onto , following alignment to . (f) and (1) show the corresponding mapping of spatial CaP extent (in green) from the newly aligned to .