Multiple reaction monitoring mass chromatograms for Acr-dG or HNE-dG adducts. (A) Acr-dG adduct standards (upper panel, 324.2→208.1 m/z) and [13C10,15N5]-Acr-dG internal standards (lower panel, 339.2→218.1 m/z). The lower panel is internal standards. (B) Acr-dG levels in pBSII DNA (upper panel) before repair. The lower panel is internal standards. Acr-dG 3 is the major isomer and the insert with a different scale shows small amounts of Acr-dG 1 and 2 are present in the plasmid DNA. (C) Acr-dG levels in pBSII DNA (upper panel) after incubating with HT-29 cell nuclear extracts in the DNA repair experiments for excision activity. The lower panel is internal standards. (D) HNE-dG standards (upper panel, 424.2→308.2 m/z) and [13C10,15N5]-HNE-dG internal standards (lower panel, 439.2→318.2 m/z). (E) HNE-dG levels in pBSII DNA (upper panel) before repair and internal standards (lower panel). (F) HNE-dG levels in pBSII DNA (upper panel) after incubating with HT-29 cell nuclear extracts in the DNA repair experiments for excision activity. The lower panel is internal standards.