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. 2014 Apr 8;17:259. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2014.17.259.2772

Table 1.

Characteristics of secondary school female learners in Mbonge, Cameroon

Characteristic Frequency Percentage
Age group
11-15 16/210 7.6
16-24 194/210 92.4
Marital status
Single 194/208 93.3
Married or cohabiting 14/208 6.7
Academic profile
Pass on merit 150/207 72.5
Promoted on trial or repeated 57/207 27.5
House of residence
5 rooms or more 107/203 52.7
4 rooms or less 96/203 47.3
Religious Affiliation
Christian 195/199 98.0
Others 4/199 2.0
Father's monthly income (in XAF)
200 000 and above 85/176 48.3
Less than 200 000 91/176 51.7
Mother's monthly income (in XAF)
200 000 and above 50/185 23.8
Less than 200 000 135/185 76.2
Perceived susceptibility to HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS is a serious threat in Cameroon
Agree 154/198 77.7
Disagree 44/198 22.3
A healthy looking person can be HIV positive
Agree 180/205 87.8
Disagree 25/205 12.2
Perceived severity of HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS is a disease like any other
Agree 108/198 54.5
Disagree 90/198 45.5
Some traditional healers can cure AIDS
Agree 29/204 14.3
Disagree 175/204 85.7
Some antibiotics can cure AIDS
Agree 31/198 15.6
Disagree 167/198 84.4
Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) can cure AIDS
Agree 37/197 18.8
Disagree 160/197 81.2
Perceived benefit of condom use
Correct and consistent condom use can prevent HIV/AIDS
Agree 153/197 77.6
Disagree 44/197 22.4
Perceived barriers to condom use
Should a condom slip off during sex it will land up in my stomach
Agree 58/179 32.4
Disagree 121/179 67.6
Latex condoms cause itching
Agree 74/139 53.2
Disagree 65/139 46.8
I am allergic to lubricants used in condoms
Agree 50/138 36.2
Disagree 88/138 63.8
I feel embarrassed to ask my partner to use condoms
Agree 73/186 39.2
Disagree 113/186 60.8
Perceived condom use self-efficacy
I have confidence that I could refuse sex with my partner if he refuses to use condoms.
Agree 147/196 75.0
Disagree 49/196 25.0
I feel confident that I can convince my partner(s) to use condoms during sexual intercourse.
Agree 130/192 67.7
Disagree 62/192 32.3
Perception of risk of contracting HIV/AIDS
How at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS are you?
Not at risk 89/203 43.8
Small risk 18/203 8.9
Moderate risk 16/203 7.9
High risk 80/203 39.4
Sexual experience
Have you ever had sexual intercourse with a male partner?
Yes 108/200 54.0
No 92/200 46.0
Number of sexual partners in the past one year
How many sexual partners have you had in the past one year?
None 12/97 12.4
One 54/97 55.6
More than one 31/97 32.0
Number of concurrent sexual partners
How many sexual partners do you have at present?
None 20/97 20.6
One 68/97 70.1
More than one 9/97 9.3
Condom use during first sexual encounter
Did you use a condom the first time you had sexual intercourse with a male partner?
Yes 41/103 39.8
No 62/103 60.2
Condom use during last sexual encounter
Did you use a condom the last time you had sexual intercourse with a male partner?
Yes 52/105 49.5
No 53/105 50.5
Regularity of condom use
How often do you use a condom with a sexual partner during sex?
Always 32/108 29.6
Most of the time 33/108 30.6
Seldom 14/108 13.0
Never 29/108 26.8
Denominators may vary due to missing values