Responses and followers of KCs. (a) Schematic of the locust olfactory system and recording positions. KCs receive input from projection neurons (PNs) in the calyx and send output to α- and β-lobes of the mushroom body (MB). KC somata are located superficially to the calyx. (b1) Extracellular recordings from several KCs show sparse responses with odor-specific timing. (b2) Superimposed rasterized spiking responses of a single KC to two odors (left) and of another KC to two concentrations of the same odor (right) show odor-specific spike timing; hex, chx, oct, and o3l indicate odors, while 10 and 0.1 indicate percent dilutions (see Experimental Procedures for a description of odors). (c) Intracellular stains show stereotyped morphologies of bLN1 and bLN2 neurons in different animals (dashed outline: mushroom body). (d) Immunostains for GABA show bLN1s are GABA-negative (top, observed >5 times), while bLN2s can be GABA-positive (middle, observed 4 times) or GABA-negative (bottom, observed >5 times); observation counts include cells identified from intracellular recordings and mass-fills. Scale bars: 100 μm (a and c), 15 μm (d). See also Figs. S1, S2 and S3.