The mean proportion of membership of each predefined population to each of the A, three (K = 3), and B, five (K = 5), most likely inferred genetic clusters is shown. The dotted line indicates the location of the Maipo river. Chilean administrative regions: IV, Coquimbo, V, Valparaíso, M, Metropolitana, VI, Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, VII, Maule, and VIII, Bío-Bío. Geographical ranges of five climatic zones in central Chile from Castillo et al., [20] are superimposed on the maps. From North to South: semiarid Mediterranean (white), sub-humid Mediterranean (vertical shading), humid Mediterranean (horizontal shading), hyper humid Mediterranean (diagonal shading) and eastern Andean Continental (solid grey). Map contour constructed from spatial data retrieved from