Figure 3.
pHI-dependence of the transition rates at 0 mV. The parameters α0 and β0 (Eqs. 1 and 2 ) were obtained from fitting proton currents to the four-state model. These coefficients are the rate constant of the reaction in the absence of any electrical field, thus they correspond to the chemical component of the reaction. All coefficient were sensitive to pHI, where the forward rates increased as the intracellular side was acidified, whereas the backward rate increased when the intracellular side was alkalinized. The red lines correspond to the fit of the logarithm of the rates as a function of pHI. The slope of this traces constitute a measure of pHI-dependence of these rate coefficients, so that increasing the steepness of the slope indicates higher pHI sensitivity (see Fig. 5). To see this figure in color, go online.