(A) Coommassie-stained 4%–12% SDS-PAGE–separated proteins
from isolated azurophil granules (α), specific granules (β1),
gelatinase granules (β2), and light membranes (γ) from PLS
neutrophils and neutrophils from a normal control. Molecular weight (MW) standards are
indicated with black arrows: from top, 225; 102; 76; 52; 38; 31; 24; 17; 12 kDa.
Selected proteins are indicated by white arrows. SP, serine proteases; Lys, lysozyme;
Def, defensins; LF, lactoferrin; Gela, gelatinase.
(B–F) Western blotting for proteases of the isolated
fractions α, β1, β2, and γ and of the
postnuclear supernatant (S1), which is the material loaded onto the density
gradient. (B) CTSC and lysozyme (Lyso); (C) NE and lysozyme;
(D) defensin (control and patient samples were run on 2 separate gels
that had a slightly curved run); (E) CTSG and lysozyme; (F)
PR3 and lysozyme. Blotting was done first for serine proteases. The blots were then
stripped and reprobed with antibody against lysozyme as a loading control.