Bone marrow cells depleted of nonneutrophil lineage cells were separated into immature
cells (less mature than band cells) and mature cells by density centrifugation on
Lymphoprep. (A) Giemsa staining of cytospin of immature cells and mature
cells from PLS and a normal control (Ctl). (B) Biosynthesis of CTSC, NE,
CTSG, and PR3 in immature cells from bone marrow. Medium after 4 and 18 hours of chase
(M4, 18). Cells after 4 and 18 hours of chase (C4, 18). 6.5 × 107 cells
from PLS patient and 3.0 × 107 cells from control were used.
(C) Western blotting of the immunoprecipitates from immature cells shown
in B. (D) Western blotting of mature cells from bone marrow
(pellet from Lymphoprep separation). These were treated, as were the immature cells for
biosynthesis, and were chased for 4 and 18 hours, but were not subject to
immunoprecipitation, and cell lysates were run directly for SDS-PAGE and Western
blotting. The blots were stripped and reprobed with anti-lysozyme antibody as a loading
control. This demonstrated equal loading, but is not shown.