Figure 7.
Morphology and physiology of projection neurons linked to the cumulus (C) of the MGC in an H. virescens male. (A) Three projection neurons, all having dendritic arborizations in the cumulus. (B) Projections in the calyces (Ca). (C) Axon terminals in the medial part of the lateral horn (mLH). (D) 3D-reconstruction of the three projection neurons and surrounding brain structures. (E) Five projection neurons arborizing in the cumulus have been registered into the standard brain model demonstrating their similar target region in the medial part of the lateral horn (mLH). (F) Electrophysiological data from one of the projection neurons presented in (A–D) showing excitatory responses to the major pheromone compound, Z11-16AL, and to the blend. AL, antennal lobe; C, cumulus; CB central body; mALT medial antennal-lobe tract; PC, protocerebrum; S, somata; D, dorsal; L, lateral; P, posterior. Scale bars, 100 μm.