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. 1981 Sep;3(1):89–116.

Table 16. Number of Aged Persons Reimbursed Under Medicare, by Combination of Specialty Used, U.S., 1977.


Specialty Total Persons Reimbursed Users of Specialty Only or in Combination with Other Specialties All Other Users

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
 All Specialties 11,934,000 100.0 1,823,300 15.3 10,100,700 84.7
Cardiovascular Disease (CD) 742,300 100.0 257,000 34.6 485,300 65.4
Dermatology (DER) 804,400 100.0 197,700 24.6 606,700 75.4
General Surgery (GS) 2,108,700 100.0 683,400 32.4 1,425,300 67.6
Oto/Laryn/Rhin (OLR) 761,000 100.0 165,800 21.8 595,200 78.2
Ophthalmology (OPH) 2,414,100 100.0 542,300 22.5 1,871,800 77.5
Orthopedic Surgery (ORS) 1,055,800 100.0 258,400 24.5 797,400 75.5
Urology (U) 1,072,400 100.0 244,100 22.8 828,300 77.2
Anesthesiology (AN) 1,215,300 100.0 275,500 22.7 939,800 77.3
Pathology (P) 532,100 100.0 105,900 19.9 426,200 80.1
Radiology (R) 3,537,500 100.0 722,900 20.4 2,814,600 79.6
Chiropractic (CH) 261,300 100.0 92,900 35.6 168,400 64.4
Podiatry (POD) 1,046,500 100.0 210,100 20.1 836,400 79.4