Figure 5.
Early anatomy and inductive signals in the neural tube. (A) Schematic of the anatomy of the neural tube after neurulation (adapted from Purves and Williams, 2004). The ectoderm (light blue) is positioned on the external side whereas neural crest (orange) resides underneath. The notochord (gray) induces the differentiation of the floor plate (red). The somites (green) give rise to muscles and bones. (B) Schematic summarizing signals involved in the dorso-ventral pattering of the mouse neural tube shown in transverse section (adapted from Dessaud et al., 2008). Wnt and BMP secreted by the roof plate (blue) as well as retinoic acid (RA) produced by the somites (green) cooperate with Shh expressed by the floor plate and the notochord (red) to pattern the neural tube.