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. 1984 Winter;6(2):61–71.

Table 1. Comparisons of selected nursing home characteristics for the primary sample and the remaining secondary sample facilities: 1980.

Nursing home characteristics Primary sample Secondary sample Significance 1

Number Percent Number Percent
Occupancy rate 74 92.7 83 90.9 2.152
Percent Medicaid patients 74 69.5 83 70.9 2.305
Facility bed size
Total 74 100.0 83 100.0 .102
 0-60 beds 28 37.8 25 30.1
 61-120 beds 26 35.1 43 51.8
 121 beds or more 20 27.0 15 18.1
Type of control
Total 74 100.0 83 100.0 .060
 Forprofit 49 66.2 66 79.5
 Nonprofit 25 33.8 17 20.5
SMSA designation
Total 74 100.0 83 100.0 .303
 Rural 29 39.2 26 31.3
 Metropolitan 45 60.8 57 68.7
Certification level
Total 74 100.0 83 100.0 .863
 Skilled 23 31.1 29 34.9
 Intermediate 14 18.9 14 16.9
 Skilled and intermediate 37 50.0 40 48.2
Type of facility
Total 74 100.0 83 100.0 .983
 Freestanding 65 87.8 73 88.0
 Hospital-based 9 12.2 10 12.0

Exact p-value for the chi-square test (unless otherwise noted).


Exact p-value listed for the Wilcoxon two-sample test is presented since the variable was not normally distributed (as indicated by the Kolmo-gorov-Smirnov test).

SOURCES: Colorado Department of Social Services, Denver, Colorado: Medicaid Cost Reports, 1980.

Colorado Department of Health, Denver, Colorado: Directory of Licensed Health Facilities, 1980.