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. 1985 Summer;6(4):1–49.

Table 11. Per capita personal health care expenditures, by type of expenditure, region, and State: Calendar year 1982.

Region and State Total Hospital care Physicians' services Dentists' services Other professional services Drugs and medical sundries Eyeglasses and appliances Nursing home care Other health services
U.S. total $1,220 $577 $267 $84 $31 $94 $24 $114 $30
New England 1,356 669 232 88 37 88 24 186 31
 Connecticut 1,348 578 264 112 40 98 21 206 30
 Maine 1,091 517 189 54 28 78 23 176 27
 Massachusetts 1,508 810 232 87 40 86 27 192 32
 New Hampshire 986 458 206 74 28 86 17 90 27
 Rhode Island 1,351 623 254 82 30 84 28 214 36
 Vermont 978 443 144 70 28 83 28 149 32
Mideast 1,322 657 254 86 45 87 20 138 36
 Delaware 1,153 552 252 86 22 98 21 86 37
 District of Columbia (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
 Maryland 1,232 606 262 87 27 92 20 102 36
 New Jersey 1,115 498 247 98 35 92 19 97 30
 New York 1,417 679 264 86 62 84 18 184 40
 Pennsylvania 1,273 675 232 79 34 84 22 116 30
Great Lakes 1,249 615 254 86 22 92 25 125 30
 Illinois 1,308 700 245 83 27 83 28 109 33
 Indiana 1,101 512 216 60 17 111 27 129 27
 Michigan 1,281 628 265 109 20 100 20 106 32
 Ohio 1,247 599 267 77 19 90 24 143 27
 Wisconsin 1,219 539 272 97 26 80 28 150 28
Plains 1,241 592 240 77 27 84 28 172 21
 Iowa 1,176 536 230 76 31 85 30 168 20
 Kansas 1,271 593 269 73 26 86 41 163 20
 Minnesota 1,229 540 212 96 25 78 23 235 20
 Missouri 1,285 679 237 69 29 89 22 139 22
 Nebraska 1,216 568 271 74 24 91 29 140 19
 North Dakota 1,325 624 316 72 24 76 40 154 18
 South Dakota 1,154 530 219 60 30 77 40 165 33
Southeast $1,055 $505 $247 $62 $20 $98 $19 $80 $24
 Alabama 1,033 541 213 51 16 95 14 79 24
 Arkansas 994 443 219 49 19 103 22 112 26
 Florida 1,228 569 342 77 27 105 20 65 23
 Georgia 1,048 492 253 64 16 100 17 79 28
 Kentucky 957 433 205 54 24 95 21 104 22
 Louisiana 1,106 549 250 59 22 96 18 89 22
 Mississippi 897 431 190 40 22 87 15 90 23
 North Carolina 931 428 202 61 16 108 18 75 23
 South Carolina 857 397 172 51 13 97 20 76 31
 Tennessee 1,144 578 259 64 23 96 25 76 23
 Virginia 1,054 506 238 74 15 90 20 85 26
 West Virginia 1,057 564 219 53 17 94 22 62 25
Southwest 1,095 493 272 70 22 100 24 85 29
 Arizona 1,112 498 304 92 24 94 14 53 32
 New Mexico 904 449 188 62 22 75 24 49 34
 Oklahoma 1,086 498 234 61 20 103 28 111 30
 Texas 1,110 495 281 68 23 103 25 88 27
Rocky Mountain 1,046 465 238 88 30 83 24 87 30
 Colorado 1,209 557 262 99 36 84 25 104 42
 Idaho 868 335 213 78 27 90 25 84 16
 Montana 1,036 445 245 80 28 85 34 92 27
 Utah 896 399 215 85 22 79 14 63 19
 Wyoming 873 398 197 68 23 80 39 49 21
Far West 1,380 584 358 124 45 104 31 97 37
 California 1,451 626 383 125 49 105 32 91 40
 Nevada 1,380 630 359 106 32 126 25 82 20
 Oregon 1,165 468 279 109 32 108 32 113 24
 Washington 1,165 434 268 131 42 92 31 137 30
 Alaska 1,187 552 272 125 31 104 21 26 58
 Hawaii 1,228 479 376 133 21 93 23 63 40

Per capita estimates for the District of Columbia are not presented in this report, because significant proportions of services rendered in the District of Columbia are purchased by out-of-State residents. However, these estimates are included in regional and U.S. totals.

SOURCE: Health Care Financing Administration: Data from the Office of the Actuary.