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. 1985 Fall;7(1):61–80.

Table 5. Estimated amounts of direct costs, by sex, age, and diagnosis: 1980.

Diagnosis Total Sex Age

Male Female Under years 65 65 years or over

Amount in millions
Total 2$211,143 $87,618 $123,525 $146,191 $64,950
Infectious and parasitic diseases 4,300 1,820 2,480 3,731 569
Neoplasms 13,049 5,647 7,402 7,727 5,322
Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders 7,329 2,354 4,975 4,362 2,968
Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 1,155 427 728 706 449
Mental disorders 19,824 9,330 10,494 14,136 5,689
Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs 17,132 7,558 9,574 12,661 4,471
Diseases of the circulatory system 32,488 13,932 18,556 12,384 20,105
Diseases of the respiratory system 16,661 8,096 8,565 12,520 4,141
Diseases of the digestive system 30,974 13,428 17,546 25,303 5,671
Diseases of the genitourinary system 12,313 3,509 8,804 9,873 2,441
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 5,940 2,573 3,367 4,796 1,144
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 13,124 5,053 8,071 9,300 3,8245
Congenital anomalies 1,345 626 719 1,259 88
Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions 3,815 1,654 2,161 3,044 771
Injury and poisoning 18,684 9,783 8,901 14,478 4,206
Other conditions1 8,746 331 8,415 8,687 59
Unallocated expenditures 4,265 1,496 2,769 1,229 3,036

Includes complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium and certain conditions originating during the perinatal period.


Excludes $8.3 billion of personal health care expenditures that could not be allocated by age and sex.

NOTE: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: Hodgson, T. A., and Kopstein, A. N.: Health care expenditures for major diseases in 1980. Health Care Financing Review. HCFA Pub. No. 03173. Office of Research and Demonstrations. Health Care Financing Administration. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1984.