Table 1.
Significant gene networks significantly expressed below/above threshold, determined by SAM + IPA
Network | Score | “Hub” genes | Functions |
1 | 24 | Myc | Cellular transformation and proliferation |
2 | 24 | Bcl2, Ran | Apoptosis, RNA splicing, nucleocytoplasmic transport |
3 | 24 | Ccnd1 (Bcl1), Cul1 | Stem cell factor ubiquitin ligase complex |
4 | 24 | Fn1 | Cell adhesion |
5 | 24 | Egfr, small nuclear riboproteins | DNA synthesis, cell proliferation |
6 | 24 | Mapk7, Mapk14, Titf1 | Cytokine production, transcription termination |
7 | 24 | Rb1 | Tumor suppression, epigenetic transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control |
8 | 24 | H-Ras | Cellular transformation |
9 | 24 | Vim, Agt | Cell morphology and integrity |
10 | 24 | Il10, Chuk | Cytokine synthesis, modulation of NF-ÊÂ complex |
11 | 24 | Erbb2 | Growth factor receptor production |
12 | 24 | NF-κβ ia, Tnfaip3, Ikbkg, Traf2 | Cell adhesion, immune and proinflammatory responses, apoptosis, differentiation and growth |
13 | 24 | Crebbp, Ncoa2, Ncoa3 | Nuclear receptor coactivation |
14 | 24 | Cepb, Eif*, Pabpc1 | Regulation of immune/inflammatory responses, mRNA metabolism |
15 | 24 | Cdkn1b, Cops*, Eif*, Psmd1 | Cell cycle arrest, regulation of transcription and ubiquitin ligase, proteasome |
16 | 24 | Bcl2l1, Cycs, Casp8/Casp9, Bax | Apoptosis |
17 | 24 | Egr1, Nr5a1, Fbl, Exosc | Proliferation, pre-RNA processing (exosome complex) |
18 | 24 | App, Nfatc1 | T-cell activation, apoptosis, inhibition of notch signaling |
19 | 24 | Grb2, Rala, Sumo2, Ncl | Epidermal growth factor/platelet-derived growth factor signaling and Ras signaling, posttranslational modification, chromatin decondensation |
20 | 24 | Creb1, Sumo1, Hdac* | Histone deacetylation, transcription regulation |
21 | 24 | Prkar1a, Cox*, Gabpa, Icam1 | Tumor suppression, mitochondrial structure, integrin binding |
22 | 24 | Tgfbr2, Smad1, Smad2, Smad3, Smad4, Mmp13 | Tumor growth factor signaling, collagen degradation |
23 | 24 | Cdkn2a | Tumor suppression, G1–G2 cell cycle arrest |
24 | 24 | Igf2, Mcm2, Pcaf, Myst2/Myst4 | Cell growth, DNA replication, histone acetylation |
25 | 24 | Il15, Polr* | Stimulation of T-cell proliferation, transcription |
26 | 24 | Epo, Jak1 | Cytokine receptor signal transduction |
27 | 24 | Tpb, Smarc* | Transcription initiation, chromatin structure regulation |
28 | 24 | Itgam, Clec11a | Integrin adhesion, stimulation and proliferation of hematopoietic precursors |
29 | 24 | Myb, Sod1, Cdk4 | Hematopoietic precursor proliferation, free radical destruction, G1-S cell cycle progression |
30 | 24 | Shh, Cd44, Fgf10 | Proliferation signaling, cell differentiation |
31 | 24 | Irf1, Ifnb1, Isg15, Tnfrsf1b | IFN regulation and ubiquitination, apoptosis |
32 | 24 | Tra@, Cd247, Gata3, Parp1 | T-cell receptor signaling, excision repair pathway |
33 | 24 | Rhoa, Gnaq, Plcb1, Gnb1 | G protein signaling, focal adhesion point and actin fiber formation |
34 | 24 | Mdm2, Pax3 | p53, Rb, E2F1 regulation, apoptosis |
35 | 20 | Ywhaz | Apoptosis, T-cell receptor signaling, histone modification |
NOTE: For each network, prominent hub (highly connected) genes and cellular functions that are associated with the IPA network are listed. Network scores are −log(P value).