Figure 6.
Direct injection of JAK/STAT inhibitors in vivo improves muscle regeneration, increases satellite cell number and functionally improves skeletal muscle. (a) Schematic of in vivo treatment of regenerating TA muscle with JAK/STAT inhibitors. (b) Quantification of the minimal fiber feret following direct IM injection of 5,15 DPP, TyrAG 490 and a combination of both inhibitors into regenerating young adult and older adult TA muscle Data represent the mean ± SEM, n=4. ** p value < 0.01 and *** p value < 0.001. (c) Quantification of total satellite cells in regenerating young adult or older adult TA muscle following treatment with JAK/STAT signaling inhibitors. Data represent the mean ± SEM, n=4. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. (d) Schematic of in vivo treatment of regenerating young adult EDL muscle with JAK/STAT inhibitors and subsequent isolation for functional analysis. (e) Force versus Time plots of EDL muscle treated with either vehicle, 5,15 DPP, Tyr AG 490 or a combination of both inhibitors. (f) Quantification of the maximal force determined from EDL muscle treated with JAK/STAT inhibitors. (g) Fatigue curves indicating the change in % initial muscle force following treatment with JAK/STAT inhibitors. Vehicle (n=7) 5,15 DPP (n=6), Tyr AG 490 (n=6) or a combination of both inhibitors (n=6). * p < 0.05.