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. 2013 Jan 10;30(Suppl 1):24–26. doi: 10.1007/s12288-012-0221-4
Investigations Results
Hemogram Hb = 8 g/dl, TLC = 2,000/cmm, DLC = N32 %, L54 %, bands 2 %, blasts 12 %, platelets = 50,000/cmm
Peripheral smear Normocytic normochromic RBC with increased rouleaux formation, leucopenia with relative lymphocytosis and blasts, moderate thrombocytopenia
Serum calcium 9.0 mg/dl
Serum uric acid 2.2 mg/dl
Serum LDH 655 U/l
Serum phosphorus 2.8 mg/dl
X-ray thoraco-lumbar spine Normal study
X ray skull Multiple punched out lesions (Fig. 1)
Urine Bence Jones protein Negative
Serum electrophoresis No M band seen
Serum FLC Not done
MRI spine Lesion in dorsal subarachnoid space compressing spinal cord from D4 to D8 level (Fig. 2)
MRI brain Normal study
CSF study Neutrophil, 2/cmm; lymphocyte, 16/cmm; cytospin-blasts present
CSF-immunophenotyping Not done
Bone marrow aspiration Blasts 92 %, SBB-negative
Bone marrow biopsy Infiltration by Tdt+ve, CD10+ve, CD3−ve, and CD20−ve blasts suggestive of pre B ALL. Grade I marrow fibrosis present