Microarray analyses of the binding of human L-, P-, and E-selectins with NGLs derived from H. forskali fCS oligosaccharides. The results shown are the means of the fluorescent intensities of duplicate spots at 2 and 5 fmol/spot with error bars. The insets in the L- and P-selectin panels are an expansion of the fluorescence signals of the control probes 1–4 in relation to the fCS hexasaccharide probes 9, 10, and 12.The asterisks indicate measured values that are off-scale. The details of fCS oligosaccharides are shown in Table 1, and sequences of the control NGLs are given under “Experimental Procedures.” High performance TLC of NGL fractions of P-fCS-dp3, -dp4, and -dp6 (S, solvent front; O, origin) is shown on the bottom right.