Figure 1. Structure of the U. maydis um11198 locus.
The illustrative representation of the locus encoding the putative telomerase reverse transcriptase subunit (Trt1) of U. maydis is shown. (A) The open reading frame is depicted as a box, and the TERT domains are colored. The thin black lines represent the non-coding sequences located up- and downstream of the gene. (B) The conserved GQ (blue), RBD (red), and TR (green) domains of Trt1 are indicated above each highlighted alignment. The conserved residues are colored as in A. The sequences are from the representative organisms Homo sapiens (accession NP_937983.2), Arabidopsis thaliana (accession AF172097_1), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (accession AAB64520.1), where the motif E does not align with other TERTs (asterisk). The aligned sequences used to define the motifs include at least 12 species, but only the representative organisms are shown.