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. 2014 Oct 9;10(10):e1004377. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004377

Table 1. Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics.

Data statistics gB Dom-II SM5-1 Fab Dom-II-SM5-1 Fab complex
Wavelength (Å) 0.91841 0.91841 0.91841
X-ray source, detector Bessy BL14.1, Rayonics MX-225 3×3 CCD Bessy BL14.1, Rayonics MX-225 3×3 CCD Bessy BL14.1, Rayonics MX-225 3×3 CCD
Space group P6122 P41212 P21
Unit cell parameters a = b = 89.9 Å, c = 75.7 Å, α = β = 90°, γ = 120° a = b = 92.6 Å,c = 124.6 Å, α = β = γ = 90° a = 43.1 Å, b = 69.4 Å, c = 101.0 Å, α = γ = 90°, β = 99.7°
Matthews Coefficient (Å3/Da−1) 3.04 2.55 2.35
No. molecules/ASU 1 1 1
Solvent content (%) 59 51 47
Resolution (Å)+ 1.76 (1.81–1.76) 1.87 (1.98–1.87) 2.11 (2.16–2.11)
No. of reflections (Unique) 18,070 (1,297) 45,558 (7,187) 33,553 (2,475)
Redundancy+ 10.7 (11.1) 8.1 (8.2) 3.2 (3.2)
Completeness (%)+ 98.1 (97.2) 99.9 (99.2) 98.5 (98.6)
Mean I/(σI)+ 26.04 (3.1) 27.8 (5.8) 12.4 (2.3)
R sym (%)+ 5.3 (93.5) 5.9 (40.2) 7.7 (65.9)
Wilson B-factor (Å2) 34.3 30.3 39.9
Refinement statistics
Final R -factor (%)
Working set 20.18 18.60 18.02
Working set+test set 20.31 18.83 18.31
Free R-factor (%)# 22.82 23.15 23.76
R. m. s. deviations
Bond lengths (Å) 0.010 0.019 0.017
Bond angles (°) 1.387 2.034 1.86
Mean B-value (Å2)
Protein atoms 36.3 30.3 (heavy chain), 29.0 (light chain) 38.1 (Dom-II), 37.0 (heavy chain), 39.0 (light chain)
Solvent/additional molecules 41.5 (solvent molecules) 33.3 (solvent), 39.8 (formate), 29.4 (Na+ atoms) 39.9 (solvent), 66.5 (Hepes molecule), 39.2 (ethylene glycol)
Anisotropic overall scaling factors (Å2)
B11, B22, B33 0.33, 0.33, −1.08 −0.10, −0.10, 0.21 0.76, −0.87, 0.07
B12, B13, B23 0.33, 0.0, 0.0 0.0, −0.0, 0.0 −0.0, 0.22, −0.0
No. of protein atoms 963 1723 (heavy chain), 1619 (light chain) 904 (Dom-II), 1738 (heavy chain), 1591 (light chain)
No. of additional molecules/atoms 76 386 (solvent), 7 (formate molecules), 2 (Na+ atoms) 243 (solvent), 1 (HEPES molecule), 3 (ethylene glycol molecules)
Ramachandran plot (%) ##
preferred regions/allowed/outlier 98.9/1.1/0.0 96.3/3.2/0.5 95.4/3.9/0.7

Numbers in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell.


5% of reflections have been chosen as R free set.


Calculated with program COOT [67].