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. 1987 Spring;8(3):87–93.

Table 3. Number of enrollees and percent distribution in the 20 largest health maintenance organizations (HMO's) and the percent of Medicare Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982 risk enrollees and rank: June 1986.

Name of HMO Total number of HMO enrollees June 19861 Percent distribution Percent Medicare TEFRA risk enrollees June 1986 Rank among Medicare TEFRA risk December 19862
Total 323,663,626 100.0 2.7
Top 20 9,263,310 39.2 (4)
1. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan—Oakland 1,997,207 8.4 (4) (4)
2. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan—Pasadena 1,841,806 7.8 (4) (4)
3. Health Insurance Plan—Greater New York 902,934 3.8 (4) (4)
4. Health Net—Van Nuys, California 443,860 1.9 (4) (4)
5. HMO of Pennsylvania—Blue Bell 412,012 1.7 3.2 8
6. CIGNA Healthplans of California—Glendale 395,386 1.7 (4) (4)
7. Physicians Health Plan of Minnesota 330,758 1.4 9.3 4
8. Group Health Corporation of Puget Sound 325,289 1.4 (4) (4)
9. Maxicare—South California 298,182 1.3 3.2 22
10. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Northwest Oregon 289,197 1.2 5.0 9
11. Medcenters Health Plan—St. Louis Park—Minnesota 238,033 1.0 5.9 10
12. HMO Illinois—Chicago 226,045 1.0 1.6 (4)
13. HMO of New Jersey—Paramus 219,884 0.9 2.4 18
14. Harvard Community Health Plan 218,534 0.9 1.6 51
15. Group Health—Minnesota/St. Paul 209,198 0.9 3.4 20
16. CIGNA Health Plan of Arizona 201,724 0.8 (4) (4)
17. Health Alliance Plan of Michigan 189,302 0.8 (4) (4)
18. Compcare Health Services Insurance Corporation—Wisconsin 181,500 0.8 (4) (4)
19. International Medical Centers—Miami 180,360 0.8 74.8 1
20. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado—Denver 162,099 0.7 0.6 30
All others 14,400,316 60.8

InterStudy: 1986 June Update. A mid-year report on HMO growth.


Health Care Financing Administration: Data from the Office of Prepaid Health Care.


Includes 49,361 persons enrolled in 3 plans on Guam.


No TEFRA risk enrollees.