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. 1987 Spring;8(3):87–93.

Table 4. Number of Medicare Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982 risk health maintenance organization (HMO) enrollees and percent distribution, in the 20 HMO's that had the most Medicare enrollees: December 1986.

Name of HMO HMO Medicare enrollees

Number Percent
Total, TEFRA risk 813,712 100.0
Top 20 TEFRA risk 517,268 63.6
1. International Medical Centers—Florida 129,499 15.9
2. Family Health Plan, Inc.—California 48,420 6.0
3. PacifiCare Inc., California 45,779 5.6
4. Physicians Health Plan of Minnesota 45,384 5.6
5. SHARE Health Plan Minnesota 42,082 5.2
6. Comprehensive American Care-Florida 18,218 2.2
7. SHARE Illinois 17,502 2.2
8. HMO—Pennsylvania 16,735 2.1
9. Kaiser—Northwest Oregon 15,747 1.9
10. Medcenters Health Plan—Minnesota 15,672 1.9
11. United Health Plan (Watts—California) 15,003 1.8
12. Blue Care—Michigan 14,943 1.8
13. Hawaii Medical Service Association-Hawaii 14,897 1.8
14. Fallon Community Health Plan—Massachusetts 12,559 1.5
15. Bay Pacific—California 11,880 1.5
16. Inland Health Plan—California 11,487 1.4
17. Family Health Plan—Arizona 11,420 1.4
18. HMO—New Jersey 11,085 1.4
19. Health Plan of Nevada 10,549 1.3
20. Group Health Inc.—Minnesota 8,407 1.0

SOURCE: Health Care Financing Administration: Data from the Office of Prepaid Health Care.