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. 1987 Spring;8(3):87–93.

Table 5. Number of plans and number and percent of Medicare enrollees in the 5 health maintenance organization (HMO) chains that had the most Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982 risk enrollees: December 1986.

HMO chain and participating States Number of plans Number of enrollees Percent of enrollees
Total, TEFRA risk 149 813,712 100.0
Risk, top 5 chains 20 250,215 30.7
United Health Plan
 (Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska) 4 65,428 8.0
Family Health Plan, Inc.
 (New Mexico, Arizona, California) 3 65,319 8.0
PacifiCare, Inc.
 (California, Oregon) 2 51,253 6.3
 (Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, California) 8 35,809 4.4
U.S. Health Care Systems of Pennsylvania
 (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois) 3 32,406 4.0

NOTE: All plans are headquartered in California except U.S. Health Care Systems of Pennsylvania.

SOURCE: Health Care Financing Administration: Data from the Office of Prepaid Health Care.