Table 1. Medicare hospice benefit payment rates and services covered, by category: April 1, 1986.
Category | Rate | Services covered |
General inpatient | $281 per diem | Inpatient routine care; ancillary services (oxygen, laboratory, pharmacy, etc.) |
Inpatient respite | $65.33 per diem | Inpatient (skilled nursing care) routine care; drugs, supplies, equipment, and interdisciplinary group. |
Routine home care | $63.17 per diem | Nursing, home health, social service/therapy, home respite, interdisciplinary group, drugs, supplies, equipment, and outpatient hospital therapy. |
Continuous home care | $15.36 per hour ($368.67 per diem maximum; $122.88 minimum) | Nursing, therapy, drugs, supplies, equipment, and interdisciplinary group. |
SOURCE: (Abt Associates, Inc., 1987).