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. 2014 Oct 10;5:201. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2014.00201

Table 1.

Clinical and EEG characteristics of the patients in the IGE and TLE groups.

Pt Group center Sex Age (years) Disease duration (years) AEDs Epilepsy type Struct. MRI IEDs
Nb Mean duration (s) Side Type and location
1 IGE Lille M 13 9 LMG, VPA Childhood absence epilepsy N 20 1.8 GSW
2 IGE Lille F 23 18 TPM, BZD Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy N 14 2.5 GSW
3 IGE Kiel F 13 10 VPA, LTG, LEV Myoclonic absence epilepsy N 12 <1 GSW
4 IGE Kiel M 6 1 VPA, TPM, LEV Myoclonic absence epilepsy N 12 <1 GSW
5 IGE Kiel M 10 6 LTG, ESM Childhood absence epilepsy N 16 <1 GSW
6 IGE Kiel M 5 1 LTG, ESM Childhood absence epilepsy N 17 2.5 GSW
7 TLE Lille F 14 10 OXCBZ, TPM, VPA Temporo-occipital Temporo-occipital DNET 14 <1 Left Temporo-occipital spikes
8 TLE Lille F 20 17 LCM, BZD Fronto-temporal N 22 <1 Left Fronto-temporal spikes
9 TLE Lille F 45 15 OXCBZ, TPM, BZD Temporo-perisylvian N 14 <1 Left Temporo-perisylvian rhythmic theta bursts
10 TLE Lille F 33 14 LMG, TPM, LCM Temporo-perisylvian Temporo-insular dysplasia 14 <1 Left Temporo-perisylvian spike and waves
11 TLE Lille F 22 9 CBZ, LCM, ZNS, BZD Temporo-occipital N 12 2.4 left Temporo-occipital polyspikes
12 TLE Lille F 18 9 LMG, LVT, BZD Temporal N 10 <1 Left Temporal spikes

Mean ± SD 18.5 ± 11.4 9.9 ± 5.5

Pt, patient; AEDs, antiepileptic drugs; OXCBZ, oxcarbazepine; TPM, topiramate; LMG, lamotrigine; VPA, valproate; LCM, lacosamide; LVT, levetiracetam; ZNS, zonisamide; BZD, benzodiazepin; ETSM, ethosuximide; IEDs, interictal epiletiform discharges; N, normal; GSW, generalized spike and waves; Nb, number; M, male; F, female; DNET, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor; Struc., structural.

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