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. 1989 Winter;11(2):65–80.

Table 1. Organizational characteristics of Medicare competition demonstrations and all health maintenance organizations (HMOs): United States, 1984 and 1986.

Item 1984 1986

Demonstrations All HMOs1 Demonstrations All HMOs1
Number 26 306 224 595
Percent federally qualified
Yes 80.8 64.4 91.7 50.8
No 19.2 36.6 8.3 49.2
Percent for profit
Yes 23.1 NA 33.3 358.5
No 76.9 NA 66.7 39.8
Percent affiliated
Yes 43.3 NA 62.5 NA
No 57.7 NA 37.5 NA
Staff 34.6 17.3 29.2 11.9
Group 15.4 22.9 16.7 14.5
Individual practice association 38.5 41.2 29.2 58.0
Network or mixed 11.5 18.6 25.0 15.6

Information for all HMOs was taken from the June 1984 and June 1986 editions of the InterStudy reports.


ChoiceCare and Delmarva terminated their risk-sharing contracts as of December 31, 1985.


Only HMOs reporting a profit status are included.

NOTE: NA denotes not applicable.

SOURCE: (Rossiter, 1988).

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