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. 1991 Summer;12(4):1–15.

Table 14. Regression coefficients from multiple regression on log-transformed charges, payments, and length of stay for delivery hospitalization: California Medicaid, October 1983.

Independent variable1 Charges Medicaid payments Length of stay
Infant morbidity
Birth weight:
 Less than 1,500 grams ***1.60 ***1.50 ***1.05
 1,500-2,499 grams 0.59 0.68 0.63
Infant transported ***0.79 ***0.72 ***0.28
Congenital malformations:
 1 ***0.31 ***0.28 **0.23
 2 or more **0.42 *0.35 0.22
Maternal morbidity
Labor and delivery complications:
 1 ***0.18 ***0.15 ***0.13
 2 or more ***0.26 ***0.20 ***0.21
Pregnancy complications and concurrent illnesses:
 1 ***0.13 ***0.13 ***0.10
 2 or more 0.24 0.14 0.10
Cesarean versus vaginal delivery ***0.66 ***0.58 ***0.53
Urban versus rural residence of mother ***0.12 0.05 **0.08
Hospital characteristics
 Government ***−0.12 0.01 ***−0.06
 Proprietary 0.00 ***0.09 −0.03
Level of care:
 Level III ***0.25 ***0.18 ***0.13
 Level II ***0.08 ***0.24 ***0.06
Maintenance assistance status
Medically needy ***−0.07 ***−0.10 ***−0.05
All others −0.04 *−0.06 −0.02
Adjusted R2 0.3372 0.2967 0.2704

Statistically significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level.


Statistically significant at the p ≤ 0.01 level.


Statistically significant at the p ≤ 0.001 level.


Reference categories for sets of dummy variables: birth weight: 2,500 grams or more; labor and delivery complications: 0; pregnancy complications and concurrent illnesses: 0; congenital malformations: 0; hospital ownership: private, nonprofit; hospital level of care: Level I; and maintenance assistance status: cash assistance.

NOTE: Hospital level of care is defined as follows: Level I, uncomplicated deliveries; Level II, majority of complicated deliveries and some neonatal complications; and Level III, all serious types of fetal and neonatal illnesses and abnormalities.