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. 1992 Winter;14(2):135–149.

Table 7. Hospital outpatient department charges and costs, by hospital type: 1987.

Hospital type Number of hospitals Number of claims Average total charge Average total cost Ratio of cost to charge Average wage-adjusted total cost1 Coefficient of variation of wage-adjusted total cost Average wage-adjusted outlier percent
All hospitals 5,207 469,986 $161.72 $95.46 0.59 $93.39 1.83 3.2
Census division
New England 231 42,393 131.16 86.87 0.66 83.46 1.80 3.0
Mid-Atlantic 521 77,733 150.90 94.14 0.62 88.11 1.91 2.9
South-Atlantic 770 78,789 171.23 96.26 0.56 100.07 1.79 3.4
East North Central 816 94,287 153.88 96.55 0.63 92.96 1.85 3.3
East South Central 459 32,295 151.97 75.38 0.50 83.94 1.83 2.2
West North Central 734 36,114 155.04 95.40 0.62 98.63 1.80 3.7
West South Central 744 34,617 177.65 96.25 0.54 101.85 1.68 3.7
Mountain 336 20,100 151.97 90.53 0.60 89.02 1.69 3.1
Pacific 596 53,658 205.70 114.49 0.56 98.14 1.93 3.0
Bed size
50 or fewer 1,624 40,842 97.17 60.25 0.62 63.80 1.83 2.4
51-100 1,178 63,945 134.73 76.21 0.57 79.23 1.83 2.0
101-250 1,539 170,062 163.69 93.27 0.57 91.82 1.80 2.6
251-350 464 85,855 175.35 102.57 0.58 98.22 1.81 3.3
351-500 294 70,883 192.14 118.06 0.61 112.35 1.82 4.9
501 or more 108 38,399 186.03 121.33 0.65 113.06 1.76 5.0
Urban-rural status
Rural 2,552 126,150 128.63 74.32 0.58 82.50 1.82 2.5
Urban 2,655 343,836 173.86 103.21 0.59 97.38 1.83 3.4
 Other urban 1,437 179,540 168.79 99.26 0.59 98.52 1.82 3.6
 Large urban 1,218 164,296 179.39 107.53 0.60 96.14 1.84 3.2
Teaching status
Non-teaching 4,288 277,578 158.87 89.78 0.57 90.70 1.78 2.7
Teaching 919 192,408 165.98 103.88 0.63 97.39 1.90 3.8
 Minor teaching 737 132,556 178.39 107.69 0.60 102.39 1.81 3.9
 Major teaching 182 59,852 137.83 95.25 0.69 86.04 2.10 3.6
Disproportionate-share hospital (DSH) status
Non-DSH 4,049 326,629 162.42 95.77 0.59 95.09 1.80 3.1
DSH 1,158 143,357 160.12 94.74 0.59 89.52 1.91 3.4
Sole community hospital (SCH) status
Non-SCH 4,876 454,033 162.84 96.09 0.59 93.82 1.84 3.2
SCH 331 15,953 129.76 77.41 0.60 80.96 1.74 2.3
Rural referral center (RRC) status
Non-RRC 5,026 445,104 161.68 95.48 0.59 92.70 1.83 3.1
RRC 181 24,882 162.32 94.98 0.59 105.71 1.83 3.6
Type of control
Voluntary, non-profit 2,955 339,265 168.06 101.69 0.61 98.19 1.83 3.3
Proprietary 1,015 50,393 168.03 77.94 0.46 80.06 1.78 1.9
Government or other2 1,237 80,328 130.99 80.11 0.61 81.47 1.86 3.4

Adjusted using the 1987 Health Care Financing Administration area wage index.


The number of hospitals in this category: non-Federal Government 1,194: Federal Government 35; and other 8.

NOTE: Averages are weighted by number of claims in hospital.

SOURCES: Health Care Financing Administration: Hospital Outpatient Bill file, Part B Medicare Annual Data file, Hospital Cost Reporting Information System file, Wage Index file, and Provider-Specific file, all 1987; American Hospital Association: Annual Survey of Hospitals file, 1987; data development by the Urban Institute.