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. 1992 Fall;14(1):79–90.

Table 3. Summary of regressions on logged weighted Medicare payments: 1984.

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7

Age 10.1585 10.1336 10.0923 0.0629 0.0488 0.0325
Sex −0.0114 0.0001 −0.0079 0.0063 0.0176 0.0179
Institutional status 0.0419 0.0360 −0.0211 0.0160 0.0151 0.0179
Prior hospitalization 10.1699 10.1390 10.1115
Prior physician visit 20.0621 10.0963 10.1077
Disability 10.2250 10.1388
Dichotomous systolic BP 0.0076 0.0194 0.0546 0.0070
Systolic BP treatment level 30.0844 20.1027 20.1162 30.0898
Forced vital capacity 10.1331 10.1259 20.0947 10.1592
Serum cholesterol −0.0076 −0.0046 −0.0085 −0.0095
Blood sugar 10.1038 10.0968 10.1022 10.0995
2-year CVD probability 20.1106 30.1078 0.0753 10.1460
Cigarettes per day 30.2241 20.2855 20.3037 0.1987
Pack years 20.1062 20.1036 10.1101 20.0962
Sex X cigarettes per day 30.1683 30.1967 30.1938 30.1653
Age X cigarettes per day 20.1679 20.1892 20.2051 20.1501
R2 (percent) 2.9 6.4 7.1 6.4 9.6 11.6 6.1
Adjusted R2 (percent) 2.7 6.0 6.7 4.9 8.0 9.8 5.0
Degrees of freedom 1,116 1,078 1,042 866 840 794 867
F value 11.2 14.7 19.8 4.5 5.9 6.4 5.6
Prob>f 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001

The p-value for the standardized beta coefficient is <0.01.


The p-value for the standardized beta coefficient is <0.05.


The p-value for the standardized beta coefficient is <0.10.

NOTES: BP is blood pressure. CVD is cardiovascular disease.

SOURCE: The Framingham Study, Boston University; Health Care Financing Administration: Data from the Medicare Automated Data Retrieval System.

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