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. 1994 Fall;16(1):131–153.

Table 4. Significant Predictors for Decrease in Function, From Discharge to 6 Weeks Post-Discharge.

Predictor Home Home Care

Coeff (CI) Coeff (CI)
Discharge ADLs **-0.78 (-1.24,-0.32) **-0.79 (-1.10,-0.49)
Expected ADLs 0.14 (-0.47,0.76) *0.31 (0.05,0.58)
Prior ADLs/IADLs 0.24 (-0.25,0.73) *0.32 (0.06,0.58)
Patient Lives in Houston 5.01 (-794.67,804.69) *701.41 (109.88,1,292.94)
Admission APS *118.60 (14.58,222.62) -27.23 (-97.08,42.63)
Sickness *-1,144.80 (-2,264.55,-25.05) -301.53 (-983.61,380.55)
Lambda1 -425.79 (-1,863.45,1,011.87) -185.05 (-1,286.37,916.27)
R-square 0.40 0.55
Unbiased Adjusted R-square 0.29 0.47
F-value 2.82 5.29
P-value 0.000 0.000
N 110 112
Discharge ADLs **-0.62 (-0.97,-0.26) **-0.77 (-0.95,-0.60)
Expected ADLs **1.63 (0.77,2.49) **0.43 (0.18,0.69)
Prior ADLs/IADLs 0.23 (-0.20,0.65) *0.19 (0.02,0.36)
Uses Catheter *-1,145.10 (-2,184.10,-106.10) 224.50 (-229.44,678.44)
Lambda1 681.89 (-901.59,2,265.37) 54.18 (-592.42,700.79)
R-square 0.30 0.54
Unbiased Adjusted R-square 0.20 0.46
F-value 2.41 5.49
P-value 0.002 0.000
N 139 119
Discharge ADLs **-0.55 (-0.96,-0.14) **-0.84 (-1.04,-0.64)
Expected ADLs 0.57 (-0.04,1.18) **0.41 (0.13,0.69)
Prior ADLs/IADLs *0.90 (0.03,1.78) *0.47 (0.10,0.84)
Patient Lives Alone *1,237.10 (140.87,2,333.33) 198.03 (-356.26,752.32)
Mental Status Deficiencies *175.21 (15.00,335.42) 16.79 (-48.98,82.57)
Uses Catheter *1,257.60 (306.80,2,208.40) 131.68 (-226.41,489.77)
Patient is HMO Member *-1,380.50 (-2,465.95,-295.05) -150.46 (-653.59,352.67)
Comorbidity *62.07 (2.39,121.76) -4.94 (-28.85,18.97)
Lambda1 *5,081.80 (818.80,9,344.80) -1,133.30 (-2,924.94,658.34)
R-square 0.23 0.61
Unbiased Adjusted R-square 0.16 0.55
F-value 2.72 9.96
P-value 0.000 0.000
N 209 158
Hip Procedure
Discharge ADLs **-1.04 (-1.17,-0.90) **-1.01 (-1.18,-0.84)
Prior ADLs/IADLs *0.21 (0.03,0.40) *0.27 (0.06,0.48)
Patient is Other Than White 11.27 (-586.53,609.07) *521.43 (112.18,930.68)
Lambda1 -502.08 (-1,075.77,71.61) -13.35 (-459.45,432.75)
R-square 0.71 0.86
Unbiased Adjusted R-square 0.68 0.82
F-value 18.04 17.44
P-value 0.000 0.000
N 151 79
Hip Fracture
Discharge ADLs **-0.89 (-1.47,-0.31) -0.95 (-1.25,-0.65)
Age **99.11 (44.92,153.31) -28.64 (-78.56,21.29)
Lambda1 -1371.60 (-3931.36,1188.16) 289.47 (-1308.91,1887.85)
R-square 0.60 0.71
Unbiased Adjusted R-square 0.44 0.59
F-value 2.19 3.43
P-value 0.02 0.001
N 52 52
Hip Fracture Treated by Arthroplasty
Discharge ADLs 0.44 (-3.26,4.13) **-1.27 (-1.61,-0.93)
Prior ADLs/IADLs 0.88 (-0.09,1.86) *0.62 (0.34,0.91)
Mental Status Deficiencies *-296.66 (-476.20,-117.12) 97.81 (-24.30,219.91)
Prior Health Status **1,955.00 (1,375.23,2,534.77) -138.25 (-472.63,196.13)
Admission APS *717.84 (324.66,1,111.02) 69.98 (-76.47,216.43)
Lambda1 459.32 (-5093.36,6,012.00) 763.49 (-675.74,2,202.72)
R-square 0.99 0.76
Unbiased Adjusted R-square 0.99 0.67
F-value 2.01 5.32
P-value 0.008 0.000
N 25 57

Significance level <.05.


Significance level <.01.


Lambda represents the selection coefficient.

NOTES: Coeff is coefficient. CI is confidence intervals. ADLs is activities of daily living. IADLs is instrumental activities of daily living. COPD is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. CHF is congestive heart failure.

SOURCE: Kane, R.L., Finch, M., and Chen, Q., University of Minnesota School of Public Health; Blewett, L., Minnesota Department of Health; Burns, R., and Moskowitz, M., Boston University School of Medicine.