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. 1994 Fall;16(1):247–294.

Table 7. Personal Health Care Expenditures Under Medicare and Medicaid and Sources of Medicare Financing: Selected Calendar Years 1966-93.

Medicare Financing
Personal Health Care Expenditures
Inpatient Hospital Deductible6 Supplementary Medical Insurance Monthly Premium7 Annual Maximum Taxable Earnings Contribution Rate8,9
Year Medicare and Medicaid2 Medicare Medicaid Medicare1
Medicaid Recipients5
Enrollees3 Users4

Amount in Billions Number in Millions Amount in Dollars Percent
1966 $3.0 $1.7 $1.3 19.1 3.7 $40 $3.00 $6,600 0.35
1967 7.8 4.8 3.0 19.5 7.2 40 3.00 6,600 0.50
1972 16.9 8.9 8.0 21.3 10.0 17.6 68 5.80 9,000 0.60
1973 19.3 10.2 9.1 23.5 10.2 19.6 72 106.30 10,800 1.00
1980 61.2 36.4 24.8 28.5 18.0 21.6 180 9.60 25,900 1.05
1985 109.5 70.3 39.2 31.1 22.3 21.8 400 15.50 39,600 1.35
1989 159.3 100.1 59.2 33.6 26.2 23.5 560 1131.90 48,000 1.45
1990 181.3 109.6 71.7 34.2 27.2 25.3 592 28.60 51,300 1.45
1991 210.4 120.5 89.9 34.9 27.7 28.3 628 29.90 125,000 1.45
1992 239.1 135.4 103.6 35.6 28.1 30.9 652 31.80 130,200 1.45
1993 263.9 151.1 112.8 36.3 1229.0 33.4 676 36.60 135,000 1.45

Hospital insurance and/or supplementary medical insurance (SMI).


Excludes buy-in premiums paid by Medicaid for SMI coverage of aged and disabled Medicaid recipients eligible for coverage.


Enrollees as of July 1 of specified year.


Enrollees with some reimbursement under Medicare during calendar year. Data through 1973 reflect aged users only. Data for 1974 and later include aged and disabled users.


Unduplicated count of Medicaid recipients during fiscal year.


As of January of specified year with the exception of 1966, for which July data are used.


As of July for 1966-83 and as of January for 1984 and later.


Employer and employee (each) and self-employed persons through 1983.


Effective in 1984, self-employed persons pay double this rate, the equivalent of both the employer and the employee share.


Monthly premiums for July and August 1973 were reduced to $5.80 and $6.10, respectively, by the Cost of Living Council.


Includes $27.90 SMI monthly premium and $4.00 catastrophic coverage monthly premium.



SOURCE: Health Care Financing Administration, Office of the Actuary: Data from the Office of National Health Statistics.