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. 1995 Winter;17(2):7–28.

Table 4. Percent of Total Births Financed by Medicaid: 1983, 1987, and 1991, and Proportion of Women of Child-Bearing Age Who Were Potentially Eligible: 1990.

State 19831 19872 19912 Percentage of Women Ages 15-44 With Income Under 185 Percent of FPL3
California 22.5 26.9 42.5 30.1
Georgia 15.8 21.9 43.9 33.3
Michigan 24.0 27.8 38.6 29.0
Tennessee 31.1 44.9 37.0

SOURCE: Health Care Financing Administration, Office of Research and Demonstrations: Data from the Medicade Tape-to-Tape Project, 1983, 1987, and 1991.


Data taken from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1990 Census.

NOTES: FPL is federal povery level.